Anonymous ID: 7f8bf0 Nov. 27, 2019, 10:38 a.m. No.7384201   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Looks like it's an anti-antifa, anti-riot, anti-militia draft, but isn't especially well-written and doesn't look like they consulted with LE/real prosecutors before pushing it out…which means that it'll get torn up in the appellate courts over unenforceability and vagueness. Not before wasting a lot of time, money, and possibly innocent liberty in the process.


The word 'intent' / 'intending' appears in every section… intent is a bitch to prove and criminalizing activities that have legal crossover is Pandora's Box.


Prediction: It'll get fixed in committee to be a legitmately enforceable piece of legislation or most cops/agents will think long and hard before trying to spend a huge chunk of time proving these vague elements that bump up against protected activities.


Most of what they're trying to fix with this grandstanding is unlawful in the doing anyway…preparing with intent looks like one of the crimes where you might beat the rap, but won't beat the ride just to get them off the street for a while. End of random stream of consciousness…you may resume normal thought.