Anonymous ID: cfa084 Nov. 27, 2019, 9:47 a.m. No.7384001   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4118 >>4241

‘Israel has lost even pretense of respect for international law’ – expelled HRW official to RT


A top Human Rights Watch official recently deported from Israel spoke to RT about his expulsion, warning that the world will hear about more rights abuses in the occupied Palestinian lands if it doesn’t act.


Omar Shakir, an American citizen and Human Rights Watch (HRW) director for Israel and Palestine, was deported earlier this week under the pretext of calling for a boycott of the Jewish state. He told RT that evicting a HRW official for his professional activity was a telling move.


“This is without doubt an effort to muzzle down Human Rights Watch and to muzzle advocacy for Palestinian rights,” Shakir proclaimed.


Israel is regarded a Western-style democracy, but free expression there actually excludes campaigning for the rights of Palestinians, Shakir pointed out.


This move shows the degree to which Israel has lost even the pretense of respect for basic international norms. If Israel, despite criticism from much of the world, deports me as it did earlier this week for my rights advocacy, how it will ever stop abusing rights?


By throwing out a representative of “one of the world’s largest human rights organizations,” Israel is trying to warn other rights groups that “your work documenting rights abuses could result in facing new punitive sanctions.”


The 41-year-old official was told to leave Israel last year after being accused of engaging in Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement activities – that’s due to a controversial 2017 law that barred foreigners who publicly call for a boycott of Israel from entering the country.


HRW appealed the Interior Ministry’s decision not to renew his working visa, but finally, Shakir was put on a flight out of Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion International Airport on Monday.


It is “on the international community now to act because if they fail to do so, their criticism will look toothless,” Shakir concluded.

Anonymous ID: cfa084 Nov. 27, 2019, 9:49 a.m. No.7384010   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4033 >>4118 >>4241

FBI Mysteriously Uncovers NEW Hillary Clinton Emails – ‘Were the Emails Found on Weiner’s Laptop?’


Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch on Wednesday released a court filing that revealed the FBI found MORE Hillary Clinton emails.


The FBI mysteriously found new Hillary Clinton emails it recently turned over to the State Department that were previously not released.


It is unclear where the new emails were found.


Via Judicial Watch:


[T]he Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”) recently sent [the State Department] additional documents as part of the ongoing inter-agency consultation process in connection with other FOIA litigation. [The State Department] is working to determine whether that set of documents includes any responsive, non-duplicative agency records that have not already been processed. [The State Department] will promptly update [Judicial Watch] and the Court once that initial review is complete.


The FBI stopped producing Hillary Clinton emails a year ago, but they keep mysteriously finding more emails.


Hillary Clinton originally gave the State Department 55,000 pages of emails and argued the remaining 33,000 emails were ‘personal’ and related to Chelsea’s wedding and yoga.


The FBI, however, discovered 72,000 pages of documents that Hillary Clinton tried to withhold or erase with BleachBit.


Judicial Watch forced the FBI to turn over several tranches of Hillary Clinton emails through FOIA lawsuits and discovered Hillary had transmitted classified material over a private server, including the name of a Clandestine CIA agent.


“The fix was in,” said Judicial Watch boss Tom Fitton.


“It is astonishing news that the FBI mysteriously found more Clinton emails. Were they on Anthony Weiner’s laptop? At James Comey’s house? Or on Peter Strzok’s cell phone?” asked Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “This disturbing development further highlights how the fix was in on the Clinton email scandal and why a criminal investigation needs to be reopened by Attorney General Barr.”

Anonymous ID: cfa084 Nov. 27, 2019, 9:51 a.m. No.7384019   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4118 >>4241

Obama-Holdover Heading Russia-Probe Office Under Investigation For "Illegally Leaked" Classified Document


The Obama holdover heading the Pentagon office reportedly under investigation by the U.S. attorney who is conducting the criminal probe of the Trump–Russia investigation was accused of leaking a classified document, in a recent court filing for retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn.


The connection hasn’t been previously reported.


According to a Nov. 21 report by independent journalist Sara Carter, U.S. Attorney John Durham is questioning personnel in the Pentagon’s Office of Net Assessment (ONA). ONA awarded about $1 million in contracts to FBI informant Stefan Halper, who appears to have played a key role in alleged U.S. intelligence agency spying on 2016 Trump campaign advisers Carter Page and George Papadopoulos.

Anonymous ID: cfa084 Nov. 27, 2019, 9:52 a.m. No.7384023   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4146

General Flynn Sentencing Delayed Until AFTER IG Horowitz Report Released in December


Earlier this month Attorney Sidney Powell joined Lou Dobbs to discuss the latest updates on US Government’s court case against General Michael Flynn.


Sidney Powell filed a motion in October revealing that General Michael Flynn was indeed set up by the FBI with a political ambush, damaging leaks and altered 302 reports.


Powell revealed, among other things, that former FBI lawyer Lisa Page EDITED General Mike Flynn’s 302 report, then lied to the DOJ about the edits.


Sidney Powell told Lou Dobbs she is asking for all of the evidence they asked for in their original motion to be produced… “And then we will seek to move to dismiss for egregious government conduct. I’m sure the evidence is going to support that. Frankly, we probably have enough already.”

On Tuesday the DOJ requested a delay in the Flynn case until the release of the Inspector General report on December 9th.


And here is a breaking update…….

General Flynn Sentencing Delayed until AFTER IG Horowitz Report Released in December


CNN reported:


Michael Flynn, President Donald Trump’s first national security adviser, will not be sentenced on December 18 as previously planned, a federal judge said Wednesday, to await the release of an internal Justice Department report on FBI surveillance.


Judge Emmet Sullivan agreed with prosecutors and Flynn’s lawyers, who asked for Flynn’s long-awaited sentencing hearing to be delayed because they won’t be fully prepared for it until the DOJ inspector general’s report regarding FBI surveillance as part of its early Russia probe is published.


The inspector general’s review is due out December 9. Flynn pleaded guilty in December 2017, becoming an early and key cooperator in special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.

Flynn was set to be sentenced last December, but asked to delay the hearing after a judge reacted badly to his arguments.

Anonymous ID: cfa084 Nov. 27, 2019, 9:53 a.m. No.7384029   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Iran says it arrested 8 people linked to CIA during unrest – state media


At least eight individuals with ties to the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) were arrested in Iran during protests over a fuel price hike, the country’s official state news agency IRNA reported.


Those detained “had received CIA-funded training in various countries under the cover of becoming citizen-journalists,” Iran’s Intelligence Ministry said, as cited by the outlet.


Six were reportedly arrested attending street riots while “carrying out CIA orders,” while two others were apprehended as they were trying to “send information abroad.”


They had all received orders to attend protests and prepare reports, "especially videos," the intelligence agency said.Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei earlier blamed the protests on a “grave, extensive and very dangerous conspiracy” by the US to sow discord in Iran.


Khamenei released a statement Wednesday thanking the Iranian people for quashing the chaos, after pro-government demonstrations popped up to counter the protests over the fuel price rise.


Western politicians and media attempted to seize on the news of demonstrations, hoping that there may be a "revolution" in the works, but the situation has largely calmed down over the past days.


While the demonstrations were mostly peaceful, some mobs of rioters torched banks and stores, attacked police stations and even killed security officials. The number of protesters killed in clashes with law enforcement was not released, though some unconfirmed Western estimates said scores perished.


The Iranian government has stood by its fuel price hike, however, saying that it intends to use the extra money on cash handouts and subsidies for poor citizens. Iran is facing a budget deficit due to decreased flow of petrodollars after the US unilaterally withdrew from the 2015 nuclear deal and imposed punishing economic sanctions on the country, urging others to follow suit, and even threatening by no compliance.

Anonymous ID: cfa084 Nov. 27, 2019, 9:56 a.m. No.7384051   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4118 >>4241

Evacuation Ordered After Apocalyptic Fireball Erupts Over Texas Town In Chemical Explosion


More details are emerging after a massive chemical explosion at a southeast Texas refinery in the early hours of Wednesday ripped through the plant and shattered windows across nearby residential areas of Port Neches, which lies about 90 miles east of Houston. People in homes that are miles away from the blast site reported windows, doors, and rooftops being blown out by the initial shock wave from the blast.


All residents within a half mile of the burning chemical plant have been issued a mandatory evacuation order, and so far plant operator TPC said its more than 175 full-time employees and 50 contractors are all accounted for, though a handful were transported to the hospital for burns and other injuries, at least one in serious condition


Some of the eyewitness accounts of the chemical explosion collected by NBC News convey at atmosphere of confusion when the first blast occurred at about 1am, resulting in a blaze that overtook much of the plant.


Currently the emergency is considered "ongoing" but response crews say they will soon bring it under control.


"Their doors were blown open… doorknobs themselves were shot across rooms," one resident said. "We didn't know what had exploded and what gasses were in the air," the woman said, and described a panic scramble of nearby residents to flee the area: "I've never seen the traffic like that ever."

Anonymous ID: cfa084 Nov. 27, 2019, 10 a.m. No.7384071   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4118 >>4241

Police Find Trooper Sexually Assaulted At Least 2 Women On-Duty Yet He Was NEVER Charged


Trooper Newton Higginbotham was found by his own department to have followed a woman home while on duty, forced her to take off her clothes, sexually assaulted her, yet he was never charged. Trooper Newton Higginbotham was also found by his own department to have sexually assaulted a woman seeking help from domestic violence by her husband and, again, he was never charged. West Virginia State Police — in their own investigation — found these allegations to be wholly true and Higginbotham broke the law, yet somehow, this sexual predator has never received so much as a slap on the wrist. Higginbotham himself, admitted he used his authority as a trooper to take advantage of these two vulnerable women, yet he faced zero accountability. Why is that?


The answer to that question lies in the fact that the justice system in the ostensible land of the free is horribly broken — unless you are a part of it, then it works flawlessly in your favor. Instead of Higginbotham ever being held accountable for his crimes, the taxpayers of West Virginia paid up instead, which seems to be the way things go.


Higginbotham’s first victim received $150,000 from taxpayers earlier this year after proving her case. The second victim still has litigation pending.


The first victim had gotten off of work from her late night shift at a gas station when Higginbotham decided to strike. Likely knowing the woman was on probation, this predator trooper followed her home and pulled her over to carry out his sick desires.


“I’m going back to my car, and when I come back, I want all your clothes off,” the West Virginia State Police trooper said, according to a lawsuit filed against him in federal court. As the Charleston Gazzette-Mail reports:


It was nearly midnight on a back road in Petersburg. The woman was on probation on charges tied to drug use and didn’t want to risk going back to jail. So she took her clothes off. Higginbotham sexually assaulted her, putting his fingers in her vagina, according to internal police records and a lawsuit. The assault lasted about two minutes until a car drove past, ending the encounter.


“Don’t tell anyone this happened,” the woman said Higginbotham told her. After the assault she would report the incident to police. As the department investigated her claims, another victim would come forward.


The next case is even more egregious as Higginbotham used his authority to allegedly prey on a victim of domestic violence. In 2017, Higginbotham was on a call to meet a victim of domestic violence and photograph her injuries.


After taking her statement, Higginbotham left to go to his car. According to the complaint, he told the victim that when he when he came back, if she was still in the living room, he would know she didn’t want to do anything sexually. But if she was in the bedroom, he would know she “wanted him,” according to her interview with the State Police, the Gazette reports.


The woman immediately objected his proposition, calling it “disgusting.” That’s when, according to the lawsuit, Higginbotham brought his authority in to help him.


“Well, I’m in your home alone and I don’t know if you have weapons on you and I’m going to need to search you,” the trooper said, according to her.


During the search, Higginbotham joked, laughed and said “you know you like it,” by her account.


Higginbotham proceeded to allegedly sexually assault the victim during the search causing her to physically resist with violence.

Anonymous ID: cfa084 Nov. 27, 2019, 10:01 a.m. No.7384075   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Migrant Crisis 2.0: 1000+ migrants land in Italy and Greece in few days


Greece and Italy have seen a new flood of migrants in the past few days, with more than 700 new migrants arriving in Greece within 24 hours.


Last weekend, 643 migrants landed on the Greek islands of Lesbos and Samos in a period of just 24 hours, while the Greek coastguard picked up 60 migrants at sea, making for a total of 703 newly arrived migrants, Euronews reports.


The report comes just one week after 1,350 migrants arrived in Greece last weekend. The new arrivals will only add to the growing problems of the already vastly overcrowded migrant camps. Estimates suggest that 37,000 migrants are now living across several Greek islands at camps meant to house just a few thousand.


Amid what’s beginning to looking like a second migrant crisis, Greece’s Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis announced that his conservative government would be increasing sea patrols and deploying additional border guards to “shut the door” to illegal migrants.


In Italy, authorities permitted several NGO migrant ferries to dock on Sunday and Monday, with the French NGO SOS Mediterranée offloading 215 illegal migrants in Messina after picking them up off the Libyan coast, Italian newspaper Il Giornale reports.


On Tuesday, the ruling leftist coalition government of the Five Star Movement (M5S) and the Democratic Party (PD), allowed two more NGO migrant ferries, Open Arms and Aita Mari to disembark 73 and 78 migrants, respectively.


In September, four EU member states agreed to a new system that would see newly arrived migrants in Malta and Italy distributed across other cooperating EU member states. It remains to be seen how long the agreement will last.

Anonymous ID: cfa084 Nov. 27, 2019, 10:07 a.m. No.7384087   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4118 >>4241

Gun Sales Surge Amid Fears of Gun Control Proposals From 2020 Democrats


Nearly 11 percent more guns were sold in the United States in October than a year ago, according to newly released data.


Roughly 1.2 million guns were sold this October, a 10.8 percent increase from Oct. 2018, according to Small Arms Analytics and Forecasting (pdf). The firm also estimated that about 1.1 million guns were sold in September, another increase of almost 11 percent from the same month last year.


The arms industry observer said it expects sales across 2019 to reach 14 million, past the 13.8 million guns sold in 2018 but below the estimates of 14.7 million sold in 2017 and 16.6 million sold in 2016.


“Sales have definitely been brisk, especially of small concealable handguns. We also saw a spike in sales of tactical rifles like AR-15s and AK-47s, for which I think we can confidently thank Beto O’Rourke,” Justin Anderson, marketing director for the North Carolina-based Hyatt Guns, told the Washington Examiner.


O’Rourke, a former U.S. representative from Texas, shouted on the debate stage over the summer “hell yes” when asked if he’d seize guns if elected president. O’Rourke later dropped out of the race, but other candidates have said they’d focus on gun control, including former Vice President Joe Biden, who has proposed banning 9-mm handguns, a popular handgun that’s used by numerous law enforcement agencies.


“It seems to me that Biden is preying upon the ignorance of his base by making such a ludicrous suggestion. Black Friday looks to be a huge day for the gun industry, building on what is already a record year for sales. In addition, with so much competition in the marketplace, retail pricing is as low as I’ve seen in over a decade. My message to consumers thinking about buying a gun: Pull the trigger!” Anderson told the Examiner.


Billionaire Michael Bloomberg, who just joined the race, is also known for his gun control advocacy after founding the group Everytown for Gun Safety.


Jurgen Brauer, Small Arms Analytics’ chief economist, told Fox News that he doesn’t think the rhetoric from Democratic candidates “will be the overwhelming contribution to increase sales this season,” but suggested it could boost sales next year.


“These Democratic candidates hashing it out amongst themselves, there is a bit of talk in the industry and among firearms owners for what this may augur for next year or thereafter,” he said.


Mark Oliva, director of public affairs for the National Shooting Sports Foundation, told Fox that prospective gun buyers would be aware of the looming 2020 election and the possibility a Democrat championing gun control could win.


“We’re seeing a lot of talk about people, presidential candidates or state governments wanting to severely restrict rights … Some have called for outright confiscation of guns and firearms. People are seeing that their rights are under attack … They start to make sure that they can buy the firearms that they want while they still can,” he said.


“[In] 2015, 2016 firearm sales went through the roof. It wouldn’t surprise me if we start to approach … that again if we continue to hear the rhetoric that we’re hearing.”

Anonymous ID: cfa084 Nov. 27, 2019, 10:08 a.m. No.7384093   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4118 >>4241

Deutsche Sells $50 Billion Debt Portfolio To Goldman In "Bad Bank" Wind-Down


So far, Deutsche Bank's efforts to offload troubled assets included in its 'bad bank' have been successful. The troubled German lender has already unloaded some assets to rivals including Goldman Sachs and BNP Paribas, and now Goldman is reportedly coming back for more.


Now, Goldman's coming back for what Bloomberg described as a "$50 billion book of assets." According to BBG, the assets are "tied to emerging market debt," and were housed in DB's 'wind-down' unit (or the 'bad bank', as it's otherwise known, which was initially set up over the summer).


It's difficult to tell whether the sale involved part of the derivatives portfolio, since BBG doesn't include any information about the nature of the assets being sold.


But even though DB managed to offload some of its most troubled assets, the unit still managed to book a €1 billion loss for Q3 (and there will undoubtedly be more losses as more assets are sold).

Anonymous ID: cfa084 Nov. 27, 2019, 10:08 a.m. No.7384096   🗄️.is 🔗kun

George Washington University Prof: Thanksgiving Should Be a ‘Day of Mourning’


George Washington University is promoting one of its professor’s new books ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday. The book, by professor David Silverman, pushes the narrative that Thanksgiving is a “myth,” and should be considered a “day of mourning” spent reflecting on “genocide.” The professor added that “white America’s triumphs have been borne on native peoples’ backs.”


In his new book, entitled, This Land Is Their Land: The Wampanoag Indians, Plymouth Colony, and the Troubled History of Thanksgiving, professor David Silverman explains why he believes the First Thanksgiving is a “myth” that should actually be a “National Day of Mourning.”


“These [native] men and women are hurt by the way we celebrate this national holiday,” explained Silverman. “It makes them feel like second class citizens in their own country.”


“The National Day of Mourning calls attention to the fact that white America’s triumphs have been borne on native peoples’ backs,” the professor added.


The university highlighted the book on its website, lauding professor Silverman as “an expert in Native American history and the author and editor of eight books on indigenous people and colonial America,” who “deconstructs the facts around the Thanksgiving holiday.”


“To me, a myth that treats American colonialism as a bloodless affair is more than bad history,” said Silverman. “It is hurtful to both modern native people and to Americans generally because it doesn’t allow us to understand ourselves in a critical way.”


GWU added that while “most people know the traditional Thanksgiving story, a cheerful American tale handed down through grade school classes and outdated textbooks,” Silverman noted that some Native Americans consider the holiday a “National Day of Mourning” spent “reflecting on a history of genocide.”


According to the book description, the “unsettling” history of Thanksgiving will reveal the holiday as one that “celebrates a myth of colonialism and white proprietorship of the United States.”


“The Thanksgiving myth brings native people into the story of our national origins, but then they disappear,” said Silverman. “The Pilgrims and their descendants carry on, but native people are just gone.”

Anonymous ID: cfa084 Nov. 27, 2019, 10:09 a.m. No.7384102   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4118 >>4241

Migrants from 30 Nations Apprehended in One Texas Border Sector Since September 30


Del Rio Sector Border Patrol agents apprehended migrants from at least 30 different nations since the beginning of October. Sector officials report significant variations in the demographic nationalities of migrants being apprehended this fiscal year.


“The apprehension of migrants from countries such as Brazil, Haiti, China, and countries of Africa have increased significantly this fiscal year,” Del Rio Sector Chief Patrol Agent Raul L. Ortiz said in a written statement. “We continue to work with our law enforcement partners to combat threats in an effort to protect our country and the community.”


Sector officials report the apprehension of migrants from at least 30 separate nations other than Mexico during the first two months of Fiscal Year 2020 (which began on October 1). This is up from 15 nations during the same period in FY2019.


Border Patrol officials previously told Breitbart Texas the apprehension of migrants from this diverse range of countries presents unique challenges for Border Patrol agents who much figure out how to communicate, feed, and house these migrants.


“The introduction of this new population places additional burdens on processing stations, to include language and cultural differences,” Chief Ortiz said in June. “Our agents continue to meet each new challenge as the ongoing humanitarian crisis evolves.”


Chinese nationals represent the largest migrant group currently being apprehended outside of Mexican and Central American migrants, Rio Grande Valley Sector Border Patrol officials told Breitbart Texas during a recent tour of the border. During a ride-along with riverine agents, Breitbart Texas witnessed the apprehension of three Chinese migrants and the arrest of an alleged human smuggler. During Fiscal Year 2019, agents in this sector apprehended 708 Chinese nationals — 1077 nationwide.

Anonymous ID: cfa084 Nov. 27, 2019, 10:12 a.m. No.7384109   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Tijuana Surpasses 2000 Homicides in 2019


Tijuana surpassed 2,000 homicides in 2019, largely due to cartel turf wars. The border city is now approaching its 2018 record of 2,518 killings.


The 2,000-death mark was reached after several attempts by the federal government to deploy additional personnel to the beleaguered city.


The most recent documented acts of violence began late Sunday and during the early hours of Monday with the discovery of two unidentified murder victims between the ages of 30 and 50. Both were reportedly shot execution-style, according to Breitbart Texas law enforcement sources and local media. Police located the victims after responding to a 911 call at approximately 2:20am in colonia Cañón de la Raza in the Cerro Colorado section. Investigators reported several 9mm shell casings next to the deceased.


Another victim identified as José Refugio Pirul González, 40, died at approximately 10:30am on Monday from severe injuries sustained in what investigators believe was a physical beating. The victim died after being transported to Hospital General de Tijuana on Sunday evening.


Another murder victim was reported in colonia Ejido Matamoros Horóscopo. Investigators responded to the area after receiving a 911 call and found a male murder victim of approximately 20-25 years. The victim sustained what appeared to be an execution-style gunshot wound to the head. Investigators reported recovering at least one .45 caliber shell casing at the scene.


The bloodshed is generally related to a bitter turf war involving Cártel Tijuana Nueva Generación (CTNG), aligned with El Cártel de Jalisco Nueva Generación, against the Sinaloa Cartel. In some areas of the city, rival factions or gangs aligned within the Sinaloa Cartel are fighting among each other for control of the lucrative street-level markets and smuggling routes into the United States.


The overwhelming majority of homicides in Tijuana are attributed to street-level gangs distributing primarily affordable, high-grade methamphetamine and heroin on behalf of the major cartels. Many of these pushers are targets of rip-crews looking for cash and drugs. Earlier this week, Breitbart Texas reported about 18 homicides recorded in the Tijuana metropolitan area in less than a 24-hour period.

Anonymous ID: cfa084 Nov. 27, 2019, 10:15 a.m. No.7384124   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What is going on in the Native American community? Thousands of women and children missing many murdered..Trump signs E.O. to address issue


President Trump Signs an Executive Order Establishing the Task Force on Missing and Murdered American Indians and Alaska Natives


The White House

Anonymous ID: cfa084 Nov. 27, 2019, 10:18 a.m. No.7384135   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4278

Here we go again. 120k Californians NO POWER!


Provider Customers Tracked Customers Out Last Updated

Burbank Water and Power 51,000 0 11/26/2019, 3:24:40 PM

Imperial Irrigation District 150,000 25 11/26/2019, 9:55:20 PM

Liberty Utilities 45,391 3 11/26/2019, 9:55:17 PM

Los Angeles Department of Water & Power 418,788 105 11/26/2019, 9:55:21 PM

Pacific Gas and Electric Company 5,200,000 83,782 11/26/2019, 9:55:19 PM

Pacific Power 44,974 14,658 11/26/2019, 9:55:19 PM

Palo Alto Utilities Department 56,538 0 11/26/2019, 9:55:17 PM

Pasadena Water and Power 65,000 0 11/20/2019, 12:06:16 PM

Riverside Public Utilities Department 105,000 0 11/26/2019, 2:05:40 PM

Sacramento Municipal Utility District 624,770 17,030 11/26/2019, 9:55:21 PM

San Diego Gas & Electric 1,400,000 71 11/26/2019, 9:55:20 PM

Southern California Edison 2,465,461 1,680 11/26/2019, 9:55:20 PM

Untracked Providers:

Anonymous ID: cfa084 Nov. 27, 2019, 10:20 a.m. No.7384142   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4152 >>4241

Ghislaine Maxwell revealed how she hired women to massage paedophile Jeffrey Epstein at his home 'at least once a day' - and admits she KNEW Prince Andrew sex accuser Virginia Roberts was only 17, in newly released court papers


Ms Maxwell, 57, told a court of her life as sex abuser Epstein's right-hand woman

In her role managing the businessman's six houses, she said she hired an array of staff including cooks, cleaners, gardeners and architects

Part of her job, she said was to recruit women to massage the 66-year-old paedophile in his home where he often had a rub down once a day

Ms Maxwell is accused of procuring young girls for Epstein to have sex with, a claim she denies

She spoke in a defamation case in New York brought by Virginia Roberts whom Ms Maxwell accused of lying over sex with Epstein and Prince Andrew



Anonymous ID: cfa084 Nov. 27, 2019, 10:21 a.m. No.7384149   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Principal and vice principal removed over disturbing sexual assault incident at Maryland elementary school


Parents of children at an elementary school are outraged over a disturbing sexual assault incident, and the vice principal and principal were removed on Tuesday after they protested.


The incident happened at Gale-Bailey Elementary School in Marbury, Maryland.

In the school's version of events, 3 boys were playing tag with 3 girls on the playground when one 10-year-old boy made sexual comments and simulated a sexual act on one of the boys. Another boy wrapped his arms around one girl.

But the father of one of the victims claims that the actual incident was far worse.

"There was no game of tag," said the father, who is unidentified to protect the victim, his daughter.


"These boys jumped off a piece of playground equipment, forcibly forced the girls into a colored tube that they have on the playground. So it was just so far off from what happened and they're trying to cover their backsides plain and simple," he told FOX-5 D.C.


He claimed that the girls had asked a group of teachers for help before the attack, but that their requests were ignored.


He also said that he wasn't informed about the attack until his daughter came home in tears.


Law enforcement officials confirmed that the 10-year-old boy was charged with 4th Degree Sex Offense and 2nd Degree Assault, and removed from the school.

On Monday, outraged parents protested at the school and demanded that school officials be fired over their actions.


On Tuesday, both the vice principal and the principal were replaced, according to an email obtained by FOX-5.

Here's a local news video about the incident: