Anonymous ID: a4216c Nov. 27, 2019, 1:56 p.m. No.7385152   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5161 >>5163



Notice how the cabal is unrelenting in the use of their symbolism? You'd think they'd tone it down, because it's becoming really obvious.. The more we learn about their symbols, the more we can identify who is the most evil.


But they can't stop using the symbolsim. Because one of the primary purposes of the symbolism has always been to maintain cohesion andconfidence in their cult. If they stopped using the symbolism, cult members around the world would freak the fuck out. They would totally panic if they saw that their symbols were suddenly vanishing from MSM, and then they'd all run and try to cut deals. The whole thing falls apart thd ay they are too afraid to use their symbols anymore.