Anonymous ID: a8a937 Nov. 27, 2019, 1:43 p.m. No.7385075   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5085

I've invested a lot of time and emotional energy into this movement so I didn't expect the Qanon wiki to give me pause like it did - especially this part…



QAnon may best be understood as an example of what historian Richard Hofstadter called in 1954 "The Paranoid Style in American Politics", related to religious millenarianism and apocalypticism.[16] The vocabulary of QAnon echoes Christian tropes – for instance "The Storm" (the Genesis flood narrative or Judgement Day), and "The Great Awakening", which evokes the historical religious Great Awakenings from the early 18th century to the late 20th century. According to one QAnon video, the battle between Trump and "the cabal" is of "biblical proportions", a "fight for earth, of good versus evil." The forthcoming reckoning is said by some QAnon supporters to be a "reverse rapture" which means not only the end of the world as it is now known, but a new beginning as well, with salvation and a utopia on earth for the survivors.[24]


Still love Q and all patriot anons. Hoping for arrests and a better world but starting to think it may be a little unrealistic to expect wholesale change.


Anonymous ID: a8a937 Nov. 27, 2019, 3:19 p.m. No.7385525   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>You really don't know how to fucking read, do you?


You really don't know how NOT to be an insufferable asshole do you?

Your comment is indecipherable and fucking useless, like you, CUNT!