Anonymous ID: 5f81a8 Nov. 27, 2019, 4:14 p.m. No.7385824   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6306

Eric Trump tweeted a Florida newspaper front page with two headlines. One was about Trump's Sunrise rally.

The other was that Hurricane season is almost over. I think it was comms saying that the Cabal's Crossfire Hurrican operation has just about run out of ammunition to use and at the same time, every shot they take makes Trump stronger in 2020.

Anonymous ID: 5f81a8 Nov. 27, 2019, 4:43 p.m. No.7386016   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6091 >>6150 >>6156 >>6467 >>6522

The silly Hivemind that forms around any controversial topic, would have you believe that the Jewish Rothschild bankers are the height of evil and responsible for everything bad that the Cabal does in moving to a New World Order. But have you ever investigated to find evidence that Rothschild is really as powerful as they say? They certainly have a lot of money and a lot of power, but what about other? What if there is a Hidden Hand with MORE power and MORE wealth than even the Rothschild clan.


Here is what let me to this thinking. First, the story about how the first Rothschild got his wealth sounds TOO MYTHICAL. He watched Napoleon battle and as soon as he knew who would win at Waterloo, he dispatched a fast messenger who go to London in the nick of time to manipulate the markets.


But if this was not really true then what did happen? Did the French team throw the game at Waterloo? Was Napoleon put in place to set up just such a final climactic scenario that would draw the attention and investments of all the biggest investors in Europe? Could it possibly be that the Corsican Mafia, who model themselves on the Sicilian Mafia, actually groomed Bonaparte and facilitated his rise to power, then rigged the Battle at Waterloo by getting one of Napoleon's generals to throw the game?


But if Rothschild were not the first Satanic banking family manipulating the economies of nations, then who was? Well, it turns out that there were a group of bankers from Venice called the Galata Bankers who grew out of the Venetian Oligarchs of medieval times.


These Venetian oligarch families kept their wealth in a family fondo, which today we would call a trust. The individuals in the family were not that wealthy but they did have access to funds from the Bloodline's stash as long as they worked for the Matriarch's goals and had the trust of the family. Might be interesting to read Q's drops using the word Trust


From the Venetian Oligarchs came the Galata bankers. One of these families, the Baltazzi, had strong business relations in the Ottoman Empire, and likely helped set them up for an economic collapse exploited by Kemal Ataturk. It was the Baltazzi that helped Rothschild open their first bank in the Ottoman Empire. And it was an Austrian branch under the surname Vetsera, that produced Mary Vetsera, the 17yo mistress of Austria's Crown Prince whose pregnancy cause the Prince to shoot himself. Mary survived and bore the son that she got from the heir to the British throne, Prince Albert Victor when she was in England for his father's Silver Wedding Jubilee in 1888. Her son was none other than Adolf Hitler and he was groomed to do another Napoleon narrative where the foreign boy takes over the neighboring Empire.


Mary's sister faked her death a few years later and moved to Chicago where she bore a son name Walt Disney. He was also groomed for a special role in the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha bloodline's retaking of America. Yes, Walt and Adolf were 1st cousins.

Anonymous ID: 5f81a8 Nov. 27, 2019, 4:47 p.m. No.7386044   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6059



Page 8 is the part you want. But there is other interesting stuff too like the blanked out early pages.


I did a lot of Yandex searches of Umbra and Gister. Seems like Umbra may have been an ongoing assassinations team operating since WWII under various names. Reminds me of the Jason Bourne movies.


Gister is Dutch for Yesterday, and that word in combo with Umbra is what led me to discussions of the assasination ops.

Anonymous ID: 5f81a8 Nov. 27, 2019, 5:01 p.m. No.7386114   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6199



Yes, it looks like someone really wanted this to be Notable. But that does not mean these someones are Russian.


In fact, the people who most want coverage of the unrest in Iran are MEK and the Resist group. They both want to get governments to give them money, support, weapons or whatever so that they can push the existing folks out of power.


Reading between the lines from Q and Trump, I think the stage is being set for neither of those two groups to win. They are both running to the head of the parade so they can pretend they are leading it. But the real insurrection is a grassroots one, fueled by the QAnon movement that has grown up globally around the Q drops.


Nothing bad with shining a light on all sides of events in Iran. I doubt that Trump or Pompeo will be moved by anything anyone does in public, outside of Iran, because Pompeo has lots of agents inside the country, and good sigint as well. That aircraft carrier isn't just sitting off the coast to fire missiles if needed. It has a Sun Tzu job to do as well.,

Anonymous ID: 5f81a8 Nov. 27, 2019, 5:04 p.m. No.7386138   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6152 >>6594



I accept hugs from both sexes. Folks were more friendly and less filled with angst back in the old days when men walked around everywhere with a sword and even ladies carried a dagger and knew how to use it.


Bring back the bear hug traditions

Anonymous ID: 5f81a8 Nov. 27, 2019, 5:15 p.m. No.7386210   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6217 >>6240 >>6307 >>6467 >>6522



Yep. Just like when Diane Feinstein went to China. She was sitting in a Limo talking on her phone, and Q was snapping photos of what the camera saw outside her window.


He was sending a message to her and her friends that she could not evade the NSA bugging (approved by FISA court) even by going abroad and swapping her usual phone for a local pay as you go phone.


Strong message.


P.S. I hope every Q Anon now realizes that China is not Communist. It is a bunch of


Oligarchs struggling for control. Some whitehats who want peace with neighbors and with USA. Some blackhats who are still bent on world domination and building up military force to use it in anger.

Anonymous ID: 5f81a8 Nov. 27, 2019, 5:25 p.m. No.7386264   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6307



ZeroHedge is a Canadian site run by folks who are investors and therefore who wanted a TRUE version of world events so they could make reasoned investments and not be manipulated by media narratives. The Rothschilds and friends have made a lot of money by putting out media narratives to manipulate investors, especially in the resource sector, which in Canada with its huge territory, is an important sector. If we can outwit the Rothschilds and prevent them from getting monopoly control of a certain mineral or other, then we can make money instead of them.


It's that simple. There are a few Free Speech media sites, but most of the truthful media sites are run by people for investors who want to NOT be manipulated by Con Artists.


Stop being so angry and start using your God given rational mind.

Anonymous ID: 5f81a8 Nov. 27, 2019, 5:28 p.m. No.7386281   🗄️.is 🔗kun



A lot of people still haven't realized the power in AmericaFirst. This is what is getting people out into the streets in countries around the world. America is fixing its shit, and others see that and say, I want some of that too!!!. In a world of SOVEREIGN nations, they can get some of it, because everybody minds their own business and regime change becomes a local activity.


To each his own… backyard to play in.