Anonymous ID: 924489 Nov. 27, 2019, 5:35 p.m. No.7386328   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6333 >>6335 >>6337 >>6346 >>6365 >>6374 >>6453 >>6467 >>6522

Three Women Accuse Star Schiff Show Witness Gordon Sondland Of Sexual Misconduct


Part 1


Three women accused U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland of sexual misconduct, according to a Wednesday report from ProPublica and Portland Monthly.

The accusations vary from unwanted kissing and touching to assault, according to the three women, who all met Sondland under different professional circumstances.

Sondland has denied all of the accusations against him.


Three women reportedly accused Gordon Sondland of sexual misconduct before he was the U.S. ambassador to the European Union.


Sondland has been central to the ongoing impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump. He testified Nov. 20 that Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani requested Ukraine look into the Bidens in exchange for a White House meeting.


Author Nicole Vogel, Jana Solis and Natalie Sept accused Sondland of sexual misconduct, ProPublica and Portland Monthly reported Wednesday. Sondland has denied all of their accusations.


“There has never been mention of them in any form during the period of the allegations, although such a complaint could easily have been aired through multiple channels,” Sondland wrote in a statement. “These false incidents are at odds with my character.”


Nicole Vogel


Vogel said that Sondland attempted to kiss her in a hotel room, and she deflected and quickly left. Later on, Sondland reportedly emailed asking her for a financial analysis for her business plan, adding: “Sorry I was such a dud.” This allegedly occurred in 2003 when Vogel was looking for investors to start a magazine.


The two met a second time to hash out details of the potential investment, she said. On this occasion, Sondland put his hand on Vogel’s mid-thigh for around 10 minutes, and she put her hand over his to prevent him from going further up, she said.


Afterward, Sondland pulled out of the investment deal. His lawyer said this was not because she rejected his alleged advances.


“As you are doubtless aware, one of the three complainants, Nicole Vogel, is the owner and publisher of the Portland Monthly,” a letter from Sondland’s lawyer reads, according to ProPublica and Portland Monthly. “She and her publication stand to benefit directly from publishing these allegations, and Ms. Vogel’s delay in bringing these forward — even as Ambassador Sondland was undergoing public scrutiny by Congress as part of his confirmation in 2018 — casts grave doubt on her credibility. Indeed, we understand that Portland Monthly is under significant financial pressure and Ms. Vogel’s efforts seem designed to salvage it.”


Jana Solis


Solis said she met Sondland in 2008 when a colleague asked her to meet with him because of his hotel experience. Sondland was allegedly flirting throughout the meeting and then hired Solis on the spot as his “new hotel chick.” On their way out, Solis said Sondland slapped her “on the ass.”

Anonymous ID: 924489 Nov. 27, 2019, 5:37 p.m. No.7386333   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6357 >>6467 >>6522


Three Women Accuse Star Schiff Show Witness Gordon Sondland Of Sexual Misconduct


Part 2


“Ambassador Sondland denies slapping Ms. Solis on the rear end,” Sondland’s lawyer wrote, according to the outlets.


Solis said she met Sondland again, this time at his request. He offered her a tour of his art collection at his home, and the tour eventually moved to the pool house. Here, Solis said that she asked to use the restroom.


“I get out to the pool house, and he is now naked from the waist down,” Solis said. “He said something about, ‘I thought we could chat.’ And I said something, trying to keep his ego intact — not that he needed that, not that it wouldn’t have been anyway — I said something like, ‘I can’t have that conversation.’ ”


Sondland put his pants back on after Solis says she apologized for potentially giving him the wrong impression. The two met on a third occasion a few months later when she was inspecting and having staff training sessions at his hotel properties. He invited her to see the penthouse, which she was unaware was one of his homes, Solis said.


“The next thing I know, he’s all over me,” Solis said. “He’s on top of me. He’s kissing me, shoving his tongue down my throat. And I’m trying to wiggle out from under him, and the next thing you know, I’m sort of rising up to get away from him, and I fall over the back of the couch.”


Solis’s former husband backed up her account and said that she was upset upon arriving home, ProPublica and Portland Monthly reported. Sondland’s lawyer denied these claims, too. Sondland ended up leaving the account with the company Solis worked for.


“We have been able to review Provenance’s records interacting with Ms. Solis’s company, and at no time did she or her employer convey any concern about Ambassador Sondland, his comportment, or the nature of any business dealings he had with them or their personnel,” the lawyer wrote.


Natalie Sept


Sept said she had a 2010 breakfast with Sondland, which sparked multiple other outings. She said how comfortable she felt with Sondland as the two had many personal connections. During one dinner, Sept said she came back from the bathroom and Sondland insisted that she sit beside him in a booth.


She allegedly cut the evening short and Sondland tried to kiss her outside of her car. Sept said she sent a follow-up email after the dinner to schedule a meeting an attempt to “maintain professionalism.” Sondland did not reply, according to her account.


“Ambassador Sondland did discuss Ms. Sept’s job prospects with her, but he denies any unwanted touching. He specifically denies attempting to kiss her, along with her claim that she pushed him away,” his lawyer wrote.


“The fact that [Sondland] uses his power to terrorize people who he perceives as having less power is really disgusting,” Sept said. “I want other women to feel comfortable to share their stories, and be believed.”

Anonymous ID: 924489 Nov. 27, 2019, 5:47 p.m. No.7386390   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6467 >>6522

Bronx NY Mass Shooting Up to 5 Victims Ranging From 10 to 36-Year-Old: ‘Blood All Over the Place’


NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) – Five people were shot while standing in the street in the Bronx on Wednesday afternoon.


According to police, one of the victims is a teenager and another is a child. Their ages range from 10-, 15-, 19-, 20- and 36-years-old, reports CBS2’s Valerie Castro.


The mass shooting happened near East 151st Street and Courtlandt Avenue in the Melrose section around 3:45 p.m.


Police say the group was standing on the street when a gunman opened fire on the crowd.


It was unclear if any of the victims were the intended targets in the shooting.


All five were rushed to Lincoln Hospital with what were described as non-life threatening injuries.


“We heard seven shots,” said Oswald Denis, a South Bronx resident. “When we ran up to Courtlandt, I saw a body laying down right in front of the drug store… Blood all over the place.”


Police have closed off several blocks up to 153rd Street in the area to conduct their investigation.


Check back soon for more on this developing story.

Anonymous ID: 924489 Nov. 27, 2019, 5:57 p.m. No.7386427   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6467 >>6522

Devin Nunes: Democrats May Still Block Republicans from Calling Witnesses During ‘Impeachment’ Hearings Next Week: ‘Theyre Making Up the Rules as They Go Along’


Rep. Nunes on the next steps in impeachment


WASHINGTON (Sinclair Broadcast Group) – As ranking member of the intelligence committee, Republican Devin Nunes of California, had one of the best seats in the house to watch the first public impeachment inquiry hearings but clearly, seldom liked what he saw.


“What we will witness today is a televised theatrical performance staged by the democrats,” he declared in the very first day’s opening remarks. He never wavered much from that stand.


Nunes told KMPH on Wednesday: ”At the end of the day, they (democrats) spent more time attacking Republicans than they actually…they’re there to impeach a president. They were supposed to be talking about what evidence do they have against the president of the united states that would get anywhere close to impeachment. In reality, they have less than zero.”


The next phase is under the judiciary committee–debating legal and constitutional questions and which, if any, articles of impeachment to pursue. Nunes complains, republicans still may be unable to call witnesses.


“It doesn’t appear likely, but we don’t know yet because as I said, they’re making up the rules as they go along,” he suggested.


In a letter from the judiciary committee, chairman Jerry Nadler asks the president “if you and your counsel plan to attend” or make a request to question the witness panel.


Though Nunes and his committee still may not be done–since the chair says, even after they’ve handed off their findings, there is more to be investigated.


Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., said this past weekend, “we don't foreclose the possibility of more depositions, more hearings. We're in the process of getting documents all of the time so that investigative work is going to go on."


Nunes argued, “I always believe that you should do what is right and follow the law and follow precedent-clearly they don’t have any of that here and they fact that they’re moving forward here looks purely political and I don’t think the American people will buy what they’re selling.”


And if either side doesn’t like how that plays out they can write their own ending on election day, now less than one year away.