Anonymous ID: 7ec5e6 Nov. 29, 2019, 10:25 a.m. No.7394677   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4679


The IG report is going to be great.

There's still a lot of docs we have now which haven't been gone through properly.

Strzok Page searchable texts

More HRC emails

The whole Qresearch searchable data base we ALREADY have, FULL

Even the letter from the DOJ to Strzok - I bet most people haven't digested?

We have moar than enough.

Fallout and spin from IG wll be


We are very fortunate to be alive at this time.

And IG will be followed by Huber.

Never a dull moment.

We turned the corner already.

Remember when POTUS said "Ive caught them"


I think the moment of turning was the DUD attempted assault of the Mueller "Incestigation" - when it turned bad,

  1. release of the report

  2. questioning of Mueller

  3. Dropping of the subject by MSM

Even far leftists [not paid for ANTIFA] know what happened. It's hilarious.

(I spoke to one who was an ex- journalists at a recent holiday party.)

It's so easy to win now.


Dude didn't get the facts yet.

As soon as the millennials+ get the facts they will laugh their assess off.

And then the "Boomerang" trigger word, used by talking heads on Fox, those in POTUS team.

Then "Hunter becomes Hunter."

We are in a very exciting place in the movie.