Anonymous ID: b48b6d Nov. 29, 2019, 10:41 a.m. No.7394777   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4802



The word Thing is a cognate of the word Tongue because these meetings gave every man a chance to speak up and voice an opinion. Issues were DISCUSSED and then decisions were made by VOTING which is cognate to the word VOICING. The Germanic Thing was inherently about SPEECH, namely the speech of free men.


Read the Declaration of Independence more clearly and think how it might apply to a person in the UK or Germany or Russia or China. It's a deep document.

Anonymous ID: b48b6d Nov. 29, 2019, 10:50 a.m. No.7394802   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4813




Did you know that the Trump International Hotel in NYC is 177.6 meters tall?


Completed in 1970.


Some folks think that THE PLAN has been worked on since before the Civil War and that things like TRUMP on Dellschau's Sonora Aero Club machines, and the Barron Trump stories are no accident, but part of the lead up to today. Why did John G. Trump go into electrical engineering in the first place? Make friends with Van De Graaf and Tesla?


There is a far bigger story about SUPPRESSED TECHNOLOGY and about a PLUS ULTRA breakaway civilization hidden in plain sight, who were determined to maintain the secrets of this tech, and not allow the Cabal to destroy that knowledge. Whitehats and Blackhats at war. Why is there a sculpture reminiscent of a gyroscope out in front of Trump International Hotel? Why does Mar-a-Lago have Plus Ultra on its wall tiles?


And why did those little Japanese transistor radios of the late 1950s take SO LONG to turn into pocket cellphones?

Anonymous ID: b48b6d Nov. 29, 2019, 12:21 p.m. No.7395259   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Back in those days color TV cameras were big bulky things on wheels that the operator sat on, and drove. But B&W cameras were portable, handheld and smaller than the accompanying video tape recorder.


The reason some people saw Hollywood sets in NASA around the time of the moon landing is that it was so important to THEM that they show video of the event, they could not risk camera or tape recorder malfunction. The sets on earth were on standby just in case but never ended up being used.