>>7394414 (lb/pb)
>>7394442 (lb/pv)
Virginia G and girl from gif (you know the one). Thoughts?
>>7394414 (lb/pb)
>>7394442 (lb/pv)
Virginia G and girl from gif (you know the one). Thoughts?
>Why they all cleaning house?
>80% covert.
>20% public.
>What has occurred over [th]e last several months?
I would sure like to someday hear what Trump/Flynn/Pompeo et al told our FVEY "allies". The retribution for betrayals of this magnitude should be "Biblical" but my guess is they didn't want to weaken the western world to the extent called for.
Effing "allies" aiding and abetting treason and overthrow of duly elected President-Added.
Gif is considerably older than pic of Vic. Cosmetic surgery? I always wondered about her pissed off defiant look in the gif.
> older history/textbooks (pre-1962),
Libraries and School district book repositories throw old books out all the time.
I have Enc Americana and Brittanica multiple sets going back to the 1930's. There was also a "Book Of The Year" published annually by one of them. I have them back into the same time frame. I've had my kids and grandkids referring to them for decades. A real red pill. Thanks gpa.