Be honest: does this look like a woman to you?
Sorry I didn't to offend you tranny
Thank God, I really don't like her. Especially after her comments when Trump pulled troops out. But the hand shit made me think of Tien KEK
Daily reminder that Joe Scarborough killed his secretary
Oh shit Nostradumbass is here.
Here's one of my favorite headlines regarding "climate change"
>you think you can stop me?
Shills are aiming at the base level idea of arrests. As if it's supposed to happen at once with tv cameras everywhere. Like "oh here comes Obama and his husband I mean wife Michael I mean Michelle!"
Since the polar bears are actually GROWING as a population, liberal psychos now believe showing pictures of non white people next to burning trees will make everyone want to join nation raping legislature such as the Paris Accord
Strokeoff is one cooked goose. Comey is a weird looking asshole. Both are fucked
Graham seems like a spineless faggot. I'm still pissed off about what Trump said, that these faggots wanted to continue to impeachment to make themselves look better.
Jesus Christ thank you for Trump, he might be the only one with a working cock and balls in Washington
Getting passed around like a whore on Black Friday
What's her cupsize?
You took me literally just so you could post long nipples, you backstabbing son of a bitch
If he thought that tweet was bad…
Reminder that Dave Grohl was complicit with Kurt Cobain's murder in order to be given a career. See: Joaquin Phoenix and Keanu Reeves
You know what's interesting, many of the 60s subversives disguised as musicians and actors were pretty hardcore right wing, to a degree. It was in the 80s when the hands changed to hardcore leftists. They were working for the same people but I think overall they shifted to a more Weather Underground type.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong though
Is that the same one that confirmed to me he was in fact a genetic dead end AIDS ridden faggot?
I can't stand the homo shit. Faggots have to shove their faggotry in your face every day.