Just starting my dig on a US AID Department "Millenium Challenge Corporation" ("MCC") = part of the Executive Branch under POTUS' authority
Please direct your attn: to the Federal Register this year on July 19, 2019
Under the Millennium Challenge Act of 2003 POTUS/USAID/MCC has a responsibility to look at Countries receiving AID and put together a scorecare that includes:
"The mandatory passing of either the
Political Rights or Civil Liberties
indicators is called the Democratic
Rights ‘‘hard hurdle’’ on the scorecard,
while the mandatory passing of the
Control of Corruption indicator is called
the Control of Corruption ‘‘hard
hurdle.’’ Not passing either ‘‘hard
hurdle’’ results in not passing the
scorecard overall, regardless of whether
at least 10 of the 20 other indicators are
passed. "
"• Control of Corruption ‘‘hard
hurdle:’’ Corruption in any country is an
unacceptable tax on economic growth
and an obstacle to the private sector investment needed to reduce poverty.
Accordingly, MCC seeks out partner
countries that are committed to
combatting corruption. It is for this
reason that MCC also has the Control of
Corruption ‘‘hard hurdle,’’ which helps
ensure that MCC is working with
countries where there is relatively
strong performance in controlling
corruption. Requiring the passage of the
indicator provides an incentive for
countries to demonstrate a clear
commitment to controlling corruption,
and allows MCC to better understand
the issue by seeing how the country
performs relative to its peers and over
time. "
Search the document for "corruption"
This document confirms it!!!!!
Ukraine is on the list of countries under the MCC's oversight!!!!!!
"Control of Corruption is a hard hurdle!"