1: Soros was behind Occupy via Adbusters.
2: Occupy was behind Assange w/ his Met Police bodyguards.
3: Soros is a Rothschild financial partner w/ Rupert Murdoch who does all the WikiLeaks promotions.
4" Soros funded Manning and Snowden. Remember: mass media is now funneling all secret intake docs to Snowden in Russia. (See: photos below.)
5: Clark Stoeckley aka WikiLeaks Truck was the artist at Manning’s trial. Stoeckley slapped all the decals on Anonomobile for me with Occupy’s Vlad Teichberg for a $1,000 and stole the thousand photos they took of me while they did it.
6: WikiLeaks Truck said it was introduced to WikiLeaks by Teichberg.
7: I tied Vlad Teichberg to Soros.
8: Assange was on house arrest at Vaughan Smith’s of Frontline Club. Smith’s dad was UK Queen’s Secret Messenger. Frontline is funded by Soros.
9: Assange was behind Catalonia’s split from Spain funded by Soros.
10: Assange was behind Arab Spring w/ Hillary Clinton funded by Soros resulting in US Army War College in charge of Egypt. (Both Assange & Clinton credited for Arab Spring.)
11: Assange’s US lawyer Michael Ratner was Center for Constitutional Rights funded by Soros. His wife/partner Margaret Kunstler is the link between Assange and Roger Stone.
12: We saw Soros fund Manning and the WL Truck, and now we see Alexa O’Brien working at Airwars funded by Soros. Follow the money. It always leads to Soros who is a Rothschild financial partner with Murdoch. Alexa has been implicated as conspiring with the 9/11 terrorist as well. Dirty as all.
13: Unity4J head Suzie Dawson got her start as an Assange promoter via Occupy’s Soros.
14: Assange Vigil head outed as an informant.
15: Pirate Party is funded by Soros.
16: Lenin Moreno is funded by Soros.
17: Daniel Ellsberg is a fraud, and his press agent works for Soros AND The World Bank Group.
18: Comprehensive list of organizations Soros Funds. / / **
links to each point here…..http://web.archive.org/web/20190411150208/https://www.facebook.com/notes/million-mask-march/soros-ties-to-wikileaks/1793821727396079