has potus made a statement (since being elected) that didn't end up being proven FACTUALLY TRUE?
factba.se/transcript/donald-trump-speech-kag-rally-sunrise-florida-november-26-2019 (transcript from rally)
"It's not supposed to go that way, and I say this is cool. We can get used to this. This is OK. But I was thinking to myself when I said that. I said look, so, I get elected and I beat the Bush dynasty (think Bush 41 funeral cards/reaction), OK. I get elected and I beat, and again, with no experience, I didn't have experience. I have tremendous world experience, but I didn't have political experience. So, I get elected and we beat the Clinton dynasty (emails, CF, U1, dossier, etc.), right? And then, we beat Barack-Hussein Obama (illegitimate presidency) , and whatever the hell dynasty that is."
POTUS is telling us that these 3 "dynasties" are already done.