Post sauce you lazy faggot.
Basically oldfags know better…
Shills do that shit constantly. Guise! Habbening the Pope was caught sacrificing children on tv!
And newfags have to go through the same shit as we all did.
Builds cohesion.
Let me tell you about the time I posted Hilary Rhoda instead of Hope Hicks….
In my case, a sapling as opposed to “tree”
Nevertheless you get the point… as it were.
Yeah she did some posts for /b/ before.
And she is looking quite good for her age as of late.
I too like to keto.
I’d be willing to bet she has posted bewb pics for anons b4, maybe not hers but she understands how therapeutic they are and the power they have to release good feelz.
Just for /qresearch/ tho? And with a timestamp?
God is a genius.
Man and woman literally heal each other and give life to each other.
Unfortunately most girls and men as well think constantly switching the medicine cabinet around and using different pills at once is somehow better.