You know that the Queen has been told to dissolve the monarchy, which is why she didn't wear her crown to open parliament.
But something far more profound is occuring, and I suspect it's worldwide. She is no longer stealing our income taxes.
In case you don't know, the main reason we pay taxes, is to pay back the Crown for the roads, ports, railways etc that the Crown paid for before we "earned" our "independence".
All nations that have a central bank pay the Crown 21% of their GDP annually. Its collected by the tax department, enforced by the courts, and punished by the police.
Incredibly, the New Zealand Labour Party, led by Jacinda "dick swinger" Ardern, posted a $7.5 billion (NZD) surplus. Given the acute fiscal incompetence of the left, this can only mean the Crown has stopped stealing that 21%…….
Good times ahead……