Hitler got the shakes later in life, but I always thought that was from the drugs(shot of meth to wakeup, a shot of heroin to go to sleep) he was on for years, but maybe it's genetic and she really IS hitler's daughter! Or she's so afraid of what's coming that she's literally shaking! Or could be withdrawals from adrenochrome, at this point the world's so crazy anything is possible!
So what was with all the "incidents" today, across Europe? I've got theories:
Are there elections coming up? Maybe Boris staged a knifing to push votes toward Brexit or whoever.
It's some religious holiday, satanic or otherwise, that demands blood.
I saw something today about the seemingly disproportionate number of attacks that happen when the moon is a crescent, but that could have been some anti-muzzie psyop.
How were the sales for black friday? I'm broke-anon so didn't go shopping.