The placement of the pieces on the mantle behind them looks like some kinda message or symbolism.
The flower vase behind the daughter and the 2 trophies behind the boyfriend
Brazil's president accuses actor DiCaprio of paying to burn the Amazon
I like his info and listening to him talk and there's some good nuggets to be had in there, especially the Saturn stuff.
Poses the question though, what if he is the gatekeepers gatekeeper?
Spitballing here.
Is it possible that MJ12 didnt stop operating and just went under the radar, and as part of the disclosure coming they have taken to Twatter, like the CIA and other agencies?
And there it is
At first, I thought obviously that must mean Pence is out, and then they reverted back to the original signs so I'm not exactly sure now.
Filing that one away
Kid Rock is just another puppet too, whoring for his masters on social media
The chick has a pedo swirl on the necklace of the website he gave out with the obvious 665(6) on the box behind the kid.
Might be a little more than likely