Tay's a whore for the Establishment.
Taylor Swift sucks Hollyweird dick for fame and money.
Not every swirl is a pedo swirl & you need to be careful in overseeing numeral connections.
This doesn't change that I need to be skeptical about what's to be trusted and what not.
Still, Taylor Swift is an Establishment whore.
>He doesn't believe my lame side-2-side
>No matter that the eyebrows don't match
>No matter there's 30 years between these 2 pictures
>Quick, let me use a condescending Pepe and an out-of-context Q-post
That's her labia, you nonce.
You've been watching too much porn, you fucking idiot.
Just shut the fuck up you deranged idiot. This is one of those things that's just NOT true.