OK, I found plenty of KEYSTONES!
First, a Project KEYSTONE.
It was:
a secret classified project, related to providing data to intelligence agencies.
under the responsability of the NRO,
it is was to be located at the Buckley Air Force Base, just below the infamous Denver airport. Yes, that Denver airport (see map). The one were it seems they built a large secret underground structure below it, and with all the weird stuff.
excerpt (p. 145):
The federal government has canceled plans to build a 350,000-square-foot office building at Gateway Park in Aurora.
Known as PROJECT KEYSTONE, the high-security building was supposed to be occupied by Aerospace Data Facility Colorado, now housed at Buckley Air Force Base. The facility, operated by the U.S. Air Force, provides data to defense and intelligence agencies.
"Headquarters decided that the money could be put to better use for other intelligence priorities," said Rick Oborn, a public-affairs officer with the National Reconnaissance Office, the executive agent for the project.
I found a second set of KEYSTONEs as well:
Q3633 lead us to
JOINT - The future of intelligence? You bet!
Picture this: A room full of analysts representing practically every intelligence element located anywhere in the Washington area and beyond; folks from NSA, DIA, AIA, AFIA, NOIC, NPIC, ITAC, SRC, ESC but none from CIA or KAOS
Well, JOINT has a webpage which holds a series of publications called the 'keystone' publications, which define how each subpart of JOINT works:
For military intelligence activities:
A connection between ex-project KEYSTONE and JOINT?
It seems to have been replaced by a Project Aurora, and is not handled by the NRO anymore:
National intelligence leaders changed priorities for the project — apparently removing the NRO as lead agency and dropping the Keystone name — but kept the funding and the commitment to do it, whatever “it” is, in Aurora.
“It’s not exactly Keystone … but it’s similar, and it’s happening,” said Leslie Oliver, press secretary for Perlmutter.
If you try to look for what Project Aurora is, you find references to a rumored next gen stealth recon aircraft:
I do not know if it is the same Aurora, but in the KEYSTONE pdf, recon aircrafts are involved.
NRO (=DNI+CIA?) out of the picture = control transferred to JOINT?
Further information linking Project KEYSTONE to the DNI (think Coats, Clapper, Negroponte, etc.):
page 76
A third KEYSTONE !!!
KEYSTONE data collection program spotted (see pic)
Is it connected?
Unrelated (or related?), but interesting:
Wizards and Warlocks spotted? NROC, National Reconnaissance Operation Center, created in response to 9/11, see pic.>>7398364