Anonymous ID: ad2ff8 Dec. 1, 2019, 7:54 a.m. No.7405558   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Why are we blessed to live in the greatest country on earth

| S1/E17 192 views•Nov 30, 2019


Sara Carter ~ "Lets be honest, it's been about 10 people, who have actually investigated this … who have really focused on these stories to get the TRUTH out to the American public." ~ 11:20


"We need to know the TRUTH. This is NOT about targeting everyone. This is NOT about impeachment. This is about corruption at a level, like we've never seen before, exposed." 14:50


text posted with video:

I love Thanksgiving. It was my mother’s favorite holiday in America. She was born in Cuba but her heart was all American. She loved her family, loved cooking and loved the country that opened its arms to her during the Cuban revolution. She put that same love in the hearts of her kids. So every Thanksgiving she’s the one I think of as I prepare the turkey and side dishes with my family. Our family keeps her memory alive by telling stories about her so her grandchildren won’t forget.

Anonymous ID: ad2ff8 Dec. 1, 2019, 9:16 a.m. No.7405922   🗄️.is 🔗kun

As Q has pointed out,

"The World is about to change."


Here is moar Evidence that. Who'd of thunk that a year and a half after starting #WalkAway, he'd see reactions like this from people?


"Brandon has changed my life, he is going to change the world!" ~ Eileen


MP4 attached here from Nov 29, 2019 twat: