Anonymous ID: dfaf3b Dec. 1, 2019, 7:57 a.m. No.7405566   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

I think the fourth NWO family that Q referenced, and only once, was likely the Rockefeller clan, which was headed by David at the time of the 2016 Trump election. I think Soros was a caretaker for the vast, pooled assets that Q implies exist, and likely represented, for lack of a better word, an adopted cadet branch of the Rockefellers.


Perhaps Hillary or No Name or Jeb or whoever anticipated assuming the role after Soros.


The same month that Q appeared, October 2017, Soros transferred $18 billion into a trust for his organizations that are attempting to destroy western civilization.


Q has said that was only a small fraction of the resources Soros controlled and estimated it at $1 trillion.


Trump's EO on human trafficking and the freezing of associated assets wasn't until December 2017. Did some secret EO or military action occur prior to that, or did Soros perhaps anticipate the December EO?


I can't figure out where the Bush family fits in.

