Anonymous ID: ee0c3c Dec. 1, 2019, 9:29 a.m. No.7405977   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Re: Project Looking Glass


Some insight / thoughts I had last week to report back to the hive mindโ€ฆ I know you niggerfaggots will correct me if I error - on coffee 2 here.


Project looking glass couldn't get past 'the great awakening' timeline which started in 2012.


So what's an evil satanist to do? Queue up all the sick changes to start Dec 22, 2012. By this line of reasoning, we can create a timeline of events that record all of the insane changes being pushed by the satanic left.


2013 is pretty much when they ramped up and dug in on all the gender stuff, and the rest of the Hussein legacy insanity.

All the mass migrations.

All the diversity. I mean, buy a cook book from India and save your tribe makes way more sense.


Any other anon's come to this conclusion and think it need more light?