Anonymous ID: ea35e5 Dec. 1, 2019, 10:17 a.m. No.7406216   🗄️.is 🔗kun

For 10 years you’ve done nothing! BBC host slams BoJo as PM reveals 74 convicted terrorists roaming UK streets


UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has revealed that 74 convicted terrorists are roaming the streets of the UK after being granted early release from prison, in cases similar to that of London Bridge attacker Usman Khan.


Speaking on the Andrew Marr Show on Sunday morning, the PM revealed that dozens of people with convictions for terrorism offences have been let out of jail before serving their full sentences.


The Conservative politician declined to provide further details on the cases but sought to reassure the British public that these people are being monitored.


Khan was released from prison last December, less than 11 months before he killed two unarmed civilians in Friday’s attack. The jihadi had been jailed in 2012 for plotting to bomb the London Stock Exchange and to build a terrorist training camp.


“I don’t want to go into the operational details. I am sure that people can imagine that what we are doing with the other 74 individuals is to ensure that they are being properly invigilated to ensure that there is no threat and we took that action because we were concerned,” Johnson said.


The prime minister has pledged to bolster sentencing laws for violent criminals in the aftermath of the extremist’s stabbing spree. However he faced accusations from his interviewer Marr that his party allowed the situation to develop by doing nothing for a decade.


“For 10 years you’ve done nothing about it!” the BBC host repeatedly said. Johnson attempted to shift the blame to the Labour Party, citing legislation it had introduced in 2008, but Marr reiterated that the Conservative Party had failed to change the system during its decade in power.


The prime minister also declined to apologize for the fact that the attack took place.


Earlier on Sunday Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said that that people convicted of terrorism offences should “not necessarily” serve their full prison terms, because this depended on the circumstances of their imprisonment.


He called for an examination into whether violent offenders are being rehabilitated in prisons and said that the probation service had failed to monitor Khan after his release.

Anonymous ID: ea35e5 Dec. 1, 2019, 10:18 a.m. No.7406226   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Former Polish President and Burisma Board Member: Hunter Biden Was Hired Because of His Father’s Political Influence


New memos released last week reveal Burisma Holdings, Hunter Biden’s Ukrainian natural gas company, pressured the Obama State Department to help end the corruption investigation during the 2016 election cycle just one month before then-Vice President Joe Biden forced Ukraine to fire Viktor Shokin, the prosecutor probing his son Hunter.


Joe Biden bragged about getting Viktor Shokin fired during a 2018 speech to the Council on Foreign Relations.


The media immediately covered for Biden and said his targeting of Mr. Shokin was totally unrelated to the prosecutor’s corruption investigation into Hunter and Burisma Holdings.


New memos released because of a FOIA lawsuit filed by award-winning investigative reporter John Solomon show Burisma Holdings contacted the Obama State Department several times during the 2016 election to discuss ending the probe.


In fact, Burisma Holdings actually name-dropped Hunter Biden when requesting help from the State Department.


According to CD Media last week former Ukrainian official Oleksandr Onyshchenko said Hunter Biden was receiving “off the books” payments from Burisma in the millions.


On Tuesday CD Media posted leaked records of payments to Hunter Biden from Burisma Holdings totaling millions.

Anonymous ID: ea35e5 Dec. 1, 2019, 10:21 a.m. No.7406235   🗄️.is 🔗kun

“Xi Jinping Is Not a Dictator – Has a Constituency He Has to Answer To” – Michael Bloomberg, the ‘Moderate’ Democrat, Defends Xi Jinping and Communism (VIDEO)


Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg defended Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party in his latest interview with Margaret Hoover on PBS.


Bloomberg says Jinping has a constituency he has to answer to.


It’s a communist regime, Mike!

Anonymous ID: ea35e5 Dec. 1, 2019, 10:22 a.m. No.7406246   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Biden In Resurfaced Viral Clip: Recounts Kids Petting His "Hairy Legs" & Jumping On His Lap


Just over a couple months out from the Feb. 3 Iowa caucuses and Joe Biden's campaign continues to implode at an accelerated rate — and perhaps his mind too — as his officially named 'No Malarkey!' Iowa bus tour continues (it's not The Onion, that's really the campaign slogan).


And now a 'rediscovered' viral video clip of Biden rambling at a previous speaking event is so bizarre and enters a whole new level of creepy that it's put renewed spotlight on the question of Crazy Uncle Joe's potential senility. It simply has to be seen to be believed. Surrounded by children, he goes on a free-flowing monologue about his hairy legs and how kids used to rub them to watch the "blond" hair pop up again. What?!?…


“The kids used to come up and rub my legs. And then jump on my lap. I loved the kids jumping on my lap.”


He then randomly transitions to learning "all about roaches" but quickly gets the story back on track:


"So I learned about roaches, I learned about kids jumping on my lap and I've loved kids jumping on my lap."


"The men, who are now all men… and they're all guys at the time, they're all good men," he nonsensically continues.


It's a new to surface segment from the prior epic Corn Pop episode he recounted about his time as a life guard at a public pool in Delaware in the 1960s.


Biden's story of the unbelievable encounter with a gang leader named 'Corn Pop' had previously surfaced and drove headlines back in September, but apparently the even weirder hairy legs and "I loved kids jumping on my lap" segment was little commented on at the time.

Anonymous ID: ea35e5 Dec. 1, 2019, 10:25 a.m. No.7406250   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Fruit of ‘US-backed colonization’: Israel to DOUBLE Jewish population in West Bank’s Hebron


Two weeks after the US announced that it did not consider illegal Israeli settlements in occupied Palestinian territories to be in breach of international law, Israel announced a plan to double the Jewish population of Hebron.


The plan announced by Israel’s newly appointed Defense Minister Naftali Bennett on Sunday will involve demolishing a wholesale market in Hebron and replacing it with a new neighborhood. At the moment, there are an estimated 200,000 Palestinians and 1,000 Jews living in the city.


The statement touted the move as ensuring “territorial continuity” between the existing Jewish Avraham Avinu neighborhood and the Tomb of the Patriarchs holy site, as well as the restoration of historic justice. The market area was owned by Jewish residents of Hebron since the early 19th century. But the deadly riot and pogroms of August 1929, in which dozens of Jewish residents were killed by Arab extremists, forced the evacuation of several Jewish neighborhoods.


Control over the area switched hands along with the rest of the West Bank until going back to Israel after the 1967 war. The Palestinian wholesale market in Shuhada Street was constructed after that and remained a major gathering site until the 1990s. In 1994, a right-wing American-Israeli extremist opened fire at Palestinian worshipers, who had gathered to pray at a mosque at the Cave of the Patriarchs compound. He killed 29 people and injured over a hundred before being overpowered and beaten to death. The incident led to Palestinian riot, to which the Israeli administration responded by shutting down Shuhada Street to Palestinians, effectively stifling business. Access has since been partially restored, but the marketplace shops were never allowed to recover due to remaining restrictions.


The Bennett office said the redevelopment plan will respect the ownership of Palestinians to ground floor properties.


The news was hailed by Jewish settlers in Hebron, who said it will bring justice “for which the Israeli nation has been waiting for 90 years.” Others were highly critical of the decision.


Dr Saeb Erekat, a senior Palestinian official and a former chief negotiator for the Palestinian Authority, said the Israeli move was the first tangible result of Washington’s decision “to legitimize colonization” two weeks ago. He was referring to the much-criticized announcement by the Trump administration that the US no longer considers Israeli settlements in occupied Palestinian territories to be in violation of international law. Erekat called on the international community to impose sanctions against the Israeli settlements.


Criticism also came from Tamar Zandberg, a member of Knesset for the opposition Democratic Union. She branded Bennett “a messianic” and called Hebron “the capital of Israel’s apartheid,” referring to the separation of Jewish and Arab populations in the West Bank city.

Anonymous ID: ea35e5 Dec. 1, 2019, 10:26 a.m. No.7406255   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6433

Q Anon - The Storm - V.1.Q


Q Anon research tool, All posts archived from 30 October 2017 to 5 August 2019 (11,981,460 documents)


U.S. Department of Justice / Office of Inspector General Reports


A large cache of confidential foreign documents implicating Joe Biden, George Soros, Hillary Clinton and Joseph Misfud's collusion and possible criminal activity in Ukraine.


WikiLeaks 30,000 Documents on Icelandic Company in Namibia


Every Original Wikileaks file LIVE all in one place, most of them never published. Source: Original Wikileaks Server from inception to 2016. WikiServerfile 43,477 Files, 4,419 Folders


Jeffrey Epstein's Little Black Book Unredacted.pdf


The Finders: FBI Document Dump from the Vault – Human Trafficking, Pedo-Satanism, and the CIA's Involvement


Hillary Clinton Email Archive


Clinton Foundation 2018 Tax


Related Indictments:


134,570 Sealed | 14,957 Unsealed | 313,793 Non-sealed


Project Looking Glass (S-4 - AREA 51).

Time Lensing Technology Used to Look into the Past and Future.

'QAnon Project Looking Glass, It all makes sense!'



Anonymous ID: ea35e5 Dec. 1, 2019, 10:27 a.m. No.7406266   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6283 >>6456 >>6683 >>6835 >>6941

Fmr. Presidential Adviser Indicted for Holding 14yo Boy Captive as His Sex Slave


ALEXANDRIA, Va. (CN) – A onetime informal adviser to the Trump campaign who is charged with bringing a 14-year-old Czech boy to the United States for sex failed to persuade a federal judge that the crime is too old to prosecute.


Prosecutors also claim Nader threatened the boy’s mother, telling her she would be jailed if she were to report him. In a three-count indictment unsealed in July, prosecutors alleged that George Nader brought the boy to Washington in 2000 after being introduced by way of a European pimp. “Night after night,” the indictment alleges, Nader assaulted and exploited the boy while withholding his passport to keep control over him.


Now it is 60-year-old Nader in jail as he awaits his trial on a three-count indictment unsealed in Virginia.


Nader, who emerged in the report by special counsel Robert Mueller as a key witness, sought to nix only one of the counts against him, criminal transport of a minor for sex, based on the statute of limitations.


While a 2006 law called the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act eliminated any time limit for prosecuting certain offenses involving minors with intent to engage in criminal sexual activity, the Lebanese-American businessman supported his motion to dismiss with records of congressional debate on the issue.


In particular, Nader drew on 2008 commentary from Vermont Senator Patrick Leahy who expressed concern that a limitless statute period would trample the rights of defendants.


Ultimately, a retroactivity provision was never inserted into the existing legislation. Nader saw this silence as “express proof” of congressional intent to cap limitations, but U.S. District Judge Leonie Brinkema rejected the maneuver Tuesday.


“That argument simply ignores the well-established meaning of the word ‘express,’” the 18-page opinion states.


Brinkema said Congress is authorized to expressly prescribe retroactive or only prospective application of a statute.


“The standard for express prescription is a demanding one – the prescriptive language in the statute must be … unequivocal,” Brinkema wrote.


Brinkema also emphasized that the law in place at the time Nader allegedly transported the minor for sex expressly stipulated that victims were protected through their lifetimes or within 10 years of the offense. Thus the same rules would apply to Nader’s case today, even nearly 20 years later.

Anonymous ID: ea35e5 Dec. 1, 2019, 10:29 a.m. No.7406273   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6281 >>6284 >>6331 >>6456 >>6683 >>6835 >>6941

Researchers Say 3D Scans Will Reveal Noah's Ark Is Buried In Turkish Mountains


The search for one of the most legendary boats of human history has made a potential breakthrough as multiple teams of scientists have zeroed in on a curious ship-shaped rise on Mt. Ararat in Turkey. The story of Noah’s Ark and the great flood that covered the earth, echoed in the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh, has long fascinated archaeologists who have wondered if remnants of the boat are still to be found.


Satellite images, radiocarbon dating, and most recently, 3D scans of the site known as Durupınar have all given hope to researchers that solid evidence of the Ark may soon be found. “It’s a man-made object and it’s a ship form,” computer engineer and biblical researcher Andrew Jones told WZTV,


As per the description of Genesis 8:4, “And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat,” researchers have investigated the site, which lies around 2,000 meters (6,560 feet) above sea level and was first identified by a Turkish cartographer in 1959.


The location of the real Noah's Ark may have been confirmed by relic-hunters in a remote mountain range in eastern Turkey, with experts claiming images "show the entire ship buried underground."


Posted by Fox News on Thursday, November 21, 2019


The Durupınar formation is about 18 miles (29 kilometers) south of the summit of Mt. Ararat, which reaches up to 16,854 feet. After its discovery was announced in 1959, it generated enthusiasm among ark seekers around the world, including Tennessee biblical researcher Ron Wyatt. Today, the site is labeled Nuhun Gemisi (Noah’s Ship) by mapmakers and continues to generate interest.


“We’re not going to find a sign that says, ‘made by Noah and sons,’ but what other ship would it be on the side of a hill at 6,500-foot elevation in the mountains of Ararat?” Andrew Jones told WZTV. In the Bible, God tells Noah very specifically how to build the Ark and these details have aided researchers in their quest.


This could be huge!


Posted by Daily Mail on Tuesday, December 26, 2017


Genesis 6:15 states, “This is how you are to build it: The ark is to be three hundred cubits long, fifty cubits wide and thirty cubits high.” These dimensions, as per the best guesses archaeologists have made about the length of a “cubit,” would yield a ship that was 540 feet long, 37.5 feet high, and 75 feet wide.


This size corresponds to the strange, seemingly buried object found in the rise at Durupınar, according to ark hunters. While in previous attempts to find evidence they produced wooden samples from the site that were dated to 4,800 years old with radiocarbon dating, they are now trying to produce an image of what’s buried inside the mound.

Anonymous ID: ea35e5 Dec. 1, 2019, 10:30 a.m. No.7406278   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Cop Arrested for Pulling Over Young Women for Speeding, Then Raping Them


Arcola, TX — Officials in Arcola are asking anyone with knowledge of alleged sexual acts by one of their police officers to come forward. They believe the woman he allegedly raped following a traffic stop may not be his only victim.


Hector Aaron Ruiz, 24, was arrested last week and charged with coercing a woman he pulled over on November 16th into a sex act. In other words, he used his badge to get sexual favors from those victims he was pulling over. A unnamed woman (victims of sexual assault are not identified out of respect for their privacy) said Ruiz pulled her over, told her to follow him in her car, took her to a dark place, and demanded sex.


Fort Bend County District Attorney Brian Middleton released the following statement Thursday morning which reads in part:


The utter violation of public trust that these allegations represent is heinous and disgraceful. My office will prosecute these criminal offenses to the fullest extent possible under the law.


The victim apparently knew better than to report Ruiz to his own police department. Instead, she went to Manvel PD to report being raped by Ruiz following a reported traffic stop for moving violations. Manvel contacted Arcola PD, then the Texas Rangers took over the investigation.


Ruiz is believed to still be in jail having a $400,000 bond and apparently unable to bond out. DA Chief Public Integrity Prosecutor Terese Buess said:


This is a horrible abuse of power, we take it very seriously…all we ask is witnesses who have information come forward and not be afraid to tell the truth.


The arrest comes amid a number of police officers who have found themselves on the wrong side of the law for coercing women into sex acts.


One story we are following closely is that of AZ DPS Trooper Tremaine Jackson. AZ DPS received so many complaints about officer Jackson they actually set up a tip line for victims to be able to come forward. Jackson, like Ruiz, had a similar modus operandi. According to an AZ DPS press release:


On September 10, 2019, after investigating complaints made by the public, Arizona Department of Public Safety (AZDPS) detectives arrested 43-year-old Tremaine Jackson on charges of sexual abuse, sexual extortion, kidnapping, harassment and fraud. Thus far, eight victims have been identified. Jackson worked for AZDPS for 13 years and was most recently assigned to the department’s Metro Motors District.


Following the press release and subsequent media coverage, seven more victims came forward with their own tales of sexual favors demanded by the trooper. It is unclear how many more have come in since the tip line tip line was created.


Since Anna Chambers revealed how two NYPD officers raped her after catching her with weed, it seems more women are empowered to come forward and police the police, holding those in power accountable for their despicable actions.


Now, all we need are convictions of guilty officers to translate into real jail time and not slaps on the wrist. More victims in both cases need to come forward to help prevent defense attorneys from victimizing the women all over again like they did with Chambers by calling her character into question. When multiple victims come forward, the women’s voices can be heard and believed.

Anonymous ID: ea35e5 Dec. 1, 2019, 10:32 a.m. No.7406293   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6456 >>6683 >>6835 >>6941

Malta PM To Step Down Related To Car Bombing Of Journalist Dubbed "One-Woman WikiLeaks"


She had been mysteriously assassinated on Oct. 16, 2017 via car bomb in Malta's most high profile crime in recent history. The 53-year old mother of three who led the Panama papers revelations and whose blog posts regularly had more readers than the combined circulation of the country’s newspapers, Daphne Caruana Galizia, had been commonly described as a “one-woman WikiLeaks” for being “a thorn in the side of both the establishment and underworld figures” in the EU's smallest member state.


And now her case and prior prolific reporting has brought down Malta's prime minister and top officials within his cabinet, as the AFP reports "Joseph Muscat will step down on January 18, party sources told AFP Saturday, following mounting criticism of his response to the murder of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia."


The slain journalist's family had accused Muscat of playing "judge, jury, and executioner in an assassination investigation that so far implicates three of his closest colleagues." Recent protests have rocked the small island Mediterranean nation and kept the case in international headlines as authorities have made progress in unraveling the murder, in a shocking Hollywood-scenario crime that increasingly points straight to the prime minister's inner circle and business connections.


She made many powerful enemies and was subject of death threats over the years, also after she directly accused Prime Minister Muscat himself of corruption, when she revealed a string of secret Panama-based companies tied to Maltese politicians that served as fronts for various illegal schemes on her blog, Running Commentary, which had been frequently featured and amplified by WikiLeaks.


The circumstances of her death immediately invoked popular anger at top Maltese officials accused of being complicit given that personal police protection had been suspiciously pulled just before her death. As CNN describes:


Caruana Galizia died on October 16, 2017, when her rented Peugeot 108 was detonated by a remote control device on a country lane near her home in Bidnija, Malta. Her son Matthew Caruana Galizia, told CNN that she was driving a rental car at the time, out of fear that someone might target her car in an attempt to kill her.


Saturday's announcement that Muscat will step down follows his chief of staff, Keith Schembri, along with two top ministers resigning their posts amid accusations they were involved in the killing.

Anonymous ID: ea35e5 Dec. 1, 2019, 10:33 a.m. No.7406299   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6456 >>6471 >>6683 >>6835 >>6941

Adam Schiff Gives Democrats Only 24 Hours to Sign Impeachment Report


House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) is giving members of his committee just 24 hours to read and sign off on his report recommending articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump.


As Breitbart News reported Friday, House Judiciary Committee chairman Rep. Jerry Nadler has previewed the report, and suggested it will include claims of “collusion” with Russia — as well as Ukraine, Russia’s enemy.


And as reported Saturday, Schiff will provide the full report to committee members on Monday, who must sign off on Tuesday in time for the first hearing in Nadler’s committee on Wednesday, which will discuss the supposed constitutional and legal basis for impeachment.


It is a foregone conclusion that Democrats will sign off on Schiff’s report. Evidence does not seem to be the top priority for Democrats: a majority favored an impeachment inquiry by August 1, eleven days before the so-called “whistleblower” sent a letter to Schiff complaining about Trump’s phone call with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky.


However, as the Washington Examiner‘s Byron York has noted, Democrats are in such a rush that they are leaving potential facts out of their examination. For example, they could wage a court battle to force former National Security Adviser John Bolton to testify.


Bolton reportedly disapproved of the role played by U.S. Ambassador to the E.U. Gordon Sondland and Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani in relations with Ukraine. He could be a key witness. However, Democrats did not want to wait to hear what he had to say.


As York noted recently in a column titled “Why the rush toward impeachment?”, Democrats “are racing to get the job done by Christmas. They’re not even trying to hear from some key witnesses, like former national security adviser John Bolton, because they don’t want to take the time to go to court over it.”


York notes that Democrats are fearful of letting impeachment drag into the 2020 presidential primary, when it will pull several U.S. Senators off the campaign trail. And they are also worried about the fact that public support for impeachment is stagnant at best, and slipping at worst, after lackluster public hearings last month.


But the rush has been a feature from the very beginning. On the day that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced an impeachment inquiry, the president had already announced that he had declassified the transcript (or “readout”) of the phone call with Zelensky, and that it would be published the next day.


Pelosi did not want to wait for the evidence: her decision was driven by political factors.


Likewise, the Intelligence Committee has rushed its proceedings before all of the evidence was available to most members of Congress, or the public. It often published lengthy transcripts of closed-door depositions on the eve of public hearings, and only released the most exculpatory transcript after public hearings were over.


Nadler has given Trump until Friday to respond to a request to participate, either directly or through his counsel, in the Judiciary Committee’s impeachment proceedings.

Anonymous ID: ea35e5 Dec. 1, 2019, 10:37 a.m. No.7406318   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Salvini Accuses Leftist Govt of Giving Away Italian Sovereignty to EU


Populist League (Lega) leader Matteo Salvini has accused Italian prime minister Giuseppe Conte of handing over Italian sovereignty to the European Union with changes to an EU bailout fund.


The reform of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM), a bailout fund that gives emergency loans to countries and banks, has been slammed by Salvini and the League, who have argued that the reform could force Italy to restructure debt and have subsequent negative effects, Reuters reports.


On Friday, Salvini stated that the reform was a danger for Italian sovereignty and that the real beneficiary would be Germany, which has banks in crisis, such as Deutschebank which recently laid off a large section of its workforce after losing billions of euros this year.


The League leader went as far as to address President Sergio Mattarella directly, stating that if Prime Minister Conte signs the treaty to go ahead with the reform “it would sanction a sale of unbalanced national sovereignty.”

Anonymous ID: ea35e5 Dec. 1, 2019, 10:39 a.m. No.7406332   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6456 >>6475 >>6683 >>6835 >>6941

21 Killed as Cartel Invades Mexican Rural Border Town


PIEDRAS NEGRAS, Coahuila – More than a dozen armored trucks filled with Los Zetas cartel gunmen rolled into a small rural town in the border state of Coahuila. The gunmen spread terror as they attacked the city hall building. The incursion turned into a fierce shootout and several chases where at least 14 cartel gunmen, three civilians, and four police officers died. Preliminary reports point to six additional people sustaining gunshot injuries.


UPDATE: Initial reports overnight indicated that at least 14 people died during the running gun battles. A statement by the Mexican government revealed that 7 more gunmen died in a clash in Nuevo Leon as authorities continue a manhunt for the gunmen.


The violence began on Saturday morning. More than a dozen armored trucks, some with machine guns mounted on top, left the border city of Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas driving towards the state of Coahuila. The gunmen are members of a faction of Los Zetas called Cartel Del Noreste. Law enforcement sources consulted by Breitbart Texas revealed the gunmen took a rural dirt road known as Brecha Santa Monica that led them to the town of Villa Union.

Anonymous ID: ea35e5 Dec. 1, 2019, 10:41 a.m. No.7406338   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6683 >>6835 >>6941

Syrian Army Bombs Kurdish Tankers Smuggling Oil to Turkey, A Message to Trump


Oil tankers and oil makeshift refineries in northeast Syria were bombed by ‘mysterious’ planes yesterday morning, SANA later stated it was done by the Syrian Army regional command.


The statement conveyed Syrian Arab News Agency SANA was brief but very meaningful:


“SANA’s correspondent in al-Hasakah quoted a field source as saying: after verifying that some Kurdish organizations in the Syrian Jazira region smuggle Syrian oil through tanks through Jarablus and Erbil region in northern Iraq to the Turkish regime, which they claim to be their main enemy, Groups of these tanks and oil refining centers were destroyed this morning.


The source stressed that strict measures will be taken against any smuggling of stolen oil from Syrian territory outside Syria.”


Syrian Jazira region refers to the Syrian territories east and northeast of the Euphrates.


That’s it!


The statement is short, the message is profound, the warning line at the end cannot be missed and should be studied very carefully by Trump forces operating illegally in Syria. The US President Donald Trump is the one who said explicitly he’s keeping a number of his forces in Syria to loot the Syrian oil and smuggle it outside the country. In the thinnest chance, they have some smart analysts they should interpret this warning correctly.


It’s been a proven fact over the years that the pariah Turkish regime of the anti-Islamic Muslim Brotherhood fanatics led by Erodgan is stealing Syrian factories and machinery, Syrian wheat, Syrian oil, and even organs from sick Syrians admitted at their ‘hospitals’.


In public, the separatist Kurds claim that the Turkish regime, especially since the radical anti-Islamic Muslim Brotherhood junta took over, is their main enemy and has carried out countless attacks against Turkish targets that led only to the killing of thousands of their own people, they claim to be protecting, southeast of Turkey, which is exactly what ISIS claimed, yet both of them were Erdogan’s ‘best’ business partners in stealing Syrian riches, destroying the Syrian economy and infrastructure, and smuggling it all to Israel…!


In the early days of the Russian military intervention aiding the Syrian Arab Army upon the official request of the Syrian state, the Russian Air Force bombed what Mr. Putin described as ‘very long columns of tankers smuggling Syrian oil to Turkey which appeared like a living pipeline.’ The bombing caused financial losses to Erdogan and angered him to the extent he retaliated by shooting down a Russian fighter jet pursuing terrorists in northeast Syria. The fighter jet task was coordinated with Turkey early on and the pilots had their back to the ever-backstabbing Turks.


We kept exposing the fake news about the non-existing combats between Erdogan sponsored different terrorist factions including the separatist Kurdish militias. What was really happening on the ground was more like the change of flags on the account of the cannon fodders on the account of the lower ranks of all those factions, and in the end, the biggest price was paid by the Syrian people who were terrorized, slaughtered, kidnapped, maimed, and stolen by all those factions, including the Kurds. We angered many throughout the past years, we wonder if they’ll ever wake up.


Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has vowed to liberate every inch in Syria from terrorists and their sponsors; he is of the very determined and consistent type, especially when it comes to the sovereignty of Syria, and the rights of its people, the feature he inherited from his late father Hafez Assad, and the exact feature that gives him, as it gave his father before for a long time, the massive support from all the Syrian people, save a few thousands working for the US.


This is the message by the Syrian Arab Army, the Syrian President, and the Syrian people behind them to all invaders and thieves, if they are blind let their people wake them up.

Anonymous ID: ea35e5 Dec. 1, 2019, 10:41 a.m. No.7406348   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6456 >>6683 >>6835 >>6941

Ukraine: Land Privatization Demanded by IMF, Links to Biden Graft Scandal. Engineered Bankruptcy of National Economy


November in Ukraine has been marked by the adoption of the so called ‘land reform’, in accordance of the demands made by the IMF amongst other international financial organizations. The reform opens the way for the mass privatization of Ukraine’s agricultural lands. The IMF has been making these demands for many years but assorted Ukrainian presidents have tried to postpone such an unpopular decision. Recent polls show that the overwhelming majority of Ukrainians of all political persuasions are opposed to land privatization, from far-right to far-left.


After an intensive period of deindustrialization, which has taken place in recent years, agricultural land remain the only asset with any value in Ukraine but even so, it may be bought for very little. A remarkable fact is that one of the deputies from the ruling party ‘Servant of the people,’ Nikita Poturayev, while pressing his colleagues at the Parliament to vote for the bill on land reform, claimed [1] that this would be ‘settling scores with maniac V. Lenin’, i.e. the purpose of the bill was to abolish the land nationalization carried out following the October revolution.


Ukraine’s fertile soil up for grabs


It has long been known that Ukraine’s soil is very fertile. Indeed, during WW2 the invading Nazis made a point of appropriating quantities of it; forcing POWs to collect the top soil and load it onto trains en route to Germany. Now these same lands could fall into the hands of international agro-holdings.


Ukrainian political expert Ruslan Bortnik says that the President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky and his team came to power under an obligation to sell out the agricultural land of Ukraine to foreign companies. Those who buy these lands, according to Bortnik, will only be thinking about making the quickest possible buck. “Foreign companies are already operating on Ukrainian soil [renting land],” said Bortnik,


“But they are competing with large Ukrainian agricultural holdings. They do not dominate. If the adopted land market model is launched, then only large foreign companies will remain in our market… Let’s be honest – we are not a sovereign country. At least our government is under external control. And this is a part of the obligations of this government. This is the condition under which they came to power. They are paying the debts through privatization.” [2]


Ukrainian farmers who still are landowners, formally at least – they just can’t sell it – are the same people who are unable to pay their gas and electricity bills, especially after the recent raising of energy prices – another IMF demand. Obviously, their financial desperation will mean that many will have to sell their land at a low price, certainly well below the market value. Meanwhile, Ukraine remains the poorest country on the continent of Europe and Ukrainian agricultural land remains the cheapest. Moreover, the lands may be bought up as repaying large loans collected by the Kiev government following the Euromaidan coup in 2014.


This scheme of buying up Ukraine’s land is connected with the ongoing corruption scandal in the US: the one related to Joe Biden and the gas company ‘Burisma’. At the end of November, Ukrainian MPs (non-factional people’s deputy Andrey Derkach; a deputy from the Batkivshchyna Party Aleksey Kucherenko; and a deputy from the ruling Servant of the People party, Aleksandr Dubinsky) revealed it at the press-conference [3].


The point here is that the former Minister of Ecology of Ukraine Nikolay Zlochevsky, an owner of “Burisma” gas company, in 2014 introduced a number of Western politicians to the board of directors of his company, which helped him to avoid accusations of corruption. Hunter Biden, son of former US Vice President Joe Biden, received monthly large payments for his “consultancy services”. As a result Ukraine’s General prosecutor General Viktor Shokin, who was investigating the corruption schemes of the company, was forced – under pressure – to resign by Joe Biden, who even boasted about it in the US media.

Anonymous ID: ea35e5 Dec. 1, 2019, 10:46 a.m. No.7406363   🗄️.is 🔗kun

All Eyes Are On You! The Five Eyes Surveillance Network and the #1vs5i Campaign


There is a much greater overarching network of surveillance that is tracking, tracing, and databasing nearly everyone on a global scale.


Jason Bermas is joined on this episode by Taylor Hudak who covers the plight of New Zealand journalist and activist Suzie Dawson who has been embroiled in exposing the Five Eyes program through her #1vs5i campaign.

Anonymous ID: ea35e5 Dec. 1, 2019, 10:48 a.m. No.7406368   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6436 >>6456 >>6835 >>6941

World’s First Human Composting Facility is Coming to Seattle in 2021


The revolutionary system converts human remains into soil as an alternative to cremation or burial.


In a move hailed as a positive step by environmentalists, Washington became the first U.S. state to legalize the composting of human bodies in May of this year.


And now, the Evergreen State will become home to the world’s first human composting facility in 2021 thanks to Katrina Spade, founder and CEO of Recompose, after the legislation she helped enact goes into effect in May 2020.


According to its website, Spade founded the revolutionary company with the goal of offering “natural organic reduction to the public,” a system that converts human remains into soil as an alternative to cremation or burial.


Recompose’s website explains the benefits of natural organic reduction:


“By converting human remains into soil, we minimize waste, avoid polluting groundwater with embalming fluid, and prevent the emissions of CO2 from cremation and from the manufacturing of caskets, headstones, and grave liners.


By allowing organic processes to transform our bodies and those of our loved ones into a useful soil amendment, we help to strengthen our relationship to the natural cycles while enriching the earth.”


In November, around 75 people attended what was described by the Seattle Times as “a housewarming party for a funeral home where bodies would not be burned or buried, but laid in individual vessels to become clean, usable compost.”


Spade told the crowd, made up of investors, doctors, architects, funeral directors, legislators, and lawyers:


“You are all members of the death-care revolution.”


When all is said and done, the process will yield about a cubic yard of soil per person. The soil can be taken home by friends or family and used to grow a tree or a garden. Remaining soil will be used on 640 acres of conservation land in southern Washington that will one day become an ecologically sustainable village.


In contrast, those who have opted to be cremated as a means to save money or take up less space geographically, have inadvertently left a burden on their family members. Spade explained:


“These days, some families regard even ashes from cremation as a burden, not a joy. As in, ‘we’ve had these ashes in the garage for six years.’ And we’re creating a cubic yard of soil.”


While Recompose is not yet up and running, the company is aiming for a $5,500 price tag for its natural organic reduction services while a green burial in the state of Washington averages around $6,000, cremation can range anywhere from $1,000-$7,000, and a conventional burial in a cemetery can set you back at least $8,000.

Anonymous ID: ea35e5 Dec. 1, 2019, 10:51 a.m. No.7406381   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6392

Money trail of Ukraine corruption engulfs Obama White House (Video)


The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss the now documented money trail from both the Ukraine and the US State Department, that shows upwards of $16 Million USD being funneled into Ukraine, and then back out of Ukraine, and into the bank accounts of Biden associated companies and offshores.

Anonymous ID: ea35e5 Dec. 1, 2019, 10:55 a.m. No.7406400   🗄️.is 🔗kun

380,000 Hongkongers March to Renew Calls for Freedom and Democracy


HONG KONG—Hundreds of thousands of protesters took to the streets on Dec. 1 afternoon, in an effort to rejuvenate their movement that started nearly six months ago.


Under the theme of “Never Forget Why You Started,” protesters gathered at a landmark clock tower in the Tsim Sha Tsui neighborhood. At around 3:30 p.m. local time, they began walking out and then marched off along Salisbury Road to the Hong Kong Coliseum, which is located in Hung Hom, Kowloon.


People keep streaming in #hongkongprotests


— Annie Wu (@annieeenyc) December 1, 2019


Protesters could be heard shouting slogans such as “disband the police force,” and “the heavens will eliminate the Chinese Communist Party, let the entire Party die.”


The peaceful march, which was organized by a local netizen who identified himself as Swing, had been granted police approval. But soon after it took off, police interrupted the scene. A sizable force had gathered, with at least nine police vans in the area.


At around 4:50 p.m. local time, riot police suddenly charged at protesters at an area near the intersection between Salisbury Road and Nathan Road, which is right before Salisbury Garden.


The police fired pepper spray and tear gas, before making at least two arrests.


The police then put up a blue flag, declaring that people are engaging in an illegal assembly.


Riot police suddenly rushed toward #HongKongProtesters at intersection with Nathan Road


— Annie Wu (@annieeenyc) December 1, 2019

Anonymous ID: ea35e5 Dec. 1, 2019, 10:57 a.m. No.7406420   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6440

Nunes: “Phase Two” Of The Impeachment Circus Begins This Week


House Intelligence Committee ranking member Rep. Devin Nunes told Fox News host Judge Jeanine Pirro Saturday, that phase two of the impeachment hearings will start this week with Chairman Jerrold Nadler who will deliberate on the constitutionality of impeachment.


Nunes said he doesn’t expect anything new from the House Judiciary Committee’s Democrat led investigation.


“Well we now know that this coming week Jerry Nadler is gonna start phase two of the circus,” said Rep. Devin Nunes, on Justice with Judge Jeanine.


“Jerry Nadler has been in the witness protection program for several months after he botched the (Robert) Mueller probe. We’re going to see how this goes supposedly they’re going to talk about the constitutionality of impeachment,” said Nunes.


So far the Democrats have not been able to show any evidence that President Donald Trump withheld any aid from Ukraine in exchange for an investigation into former Vice President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden. In fact, Office of Management and Budget Mark Sandy told lawmakers during Schiff’s hearing that the only reason the money was held up for a short period of time was Trump’s concern that other “countries were not contributing more to Ukraine.


The controversy surrounds questionable actions around Hunter Biden’s paid position on the board of Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings. His firm Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC, “received regular transfers into one of its accounts — usually more than $166,000 a month — from Burisma from spring 2014 through fall 2015, during a period when Vice President Biden was the main U.S. official dealing with Ukraine and its tense relations with Russia,” according to reports.

No Evidence For Trump Impeachment


Nunes added, “during the (President Richard) Nixon impeachment hearings you had an actual break in – you knew what the crime was. During the (President Bill) Clinton impeachment you knew that he had lied to a grand jury. I think for two weeks one of the things we were able to expose is that not only did they not have a quid pro quo, they actually had to change quid pro quo to bribery until John Ratcliff had to pointed out that the only person ever accused of bribery in Adam Schiff’s star basement down in the capital is Hunter Biden.”


The White House until Dec. 6, to decide whether to participate in the House Judiciary Committee’s impeachment proceedings, Nadler said. The committee will hold it’s first hearing Wednesday, and offered President Donald Trump the option to send someone to represent him.


It is highly unlikely that the White House will send anyone to represent the president at the Wednesday hearing, according to reports.

Anonymous ID: ea35e5 Dec. 1, 2019, 11 a.m. No.7406435   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Wonder where they are getting their info??? kek


Fake and Gay Mainstream Narrative of Syria Conflict Has Imploded


Every day there are new revelations that the “rebels” were in cahoots not only with Al Qaeda but also ISIS & official reports of Assad using chemical weapons were doctored according to the reports’ own authors.


Were you ever skeptical that Assad was authorizing chemical weapons attacks when they were the one thing that put his winning the war at risk?


Authors of the official reports linking him to chemical weapons usage have now supplied evidence that their own reports were doctored.


When I was interviewed about Syria’s military using chemical weapons, I expressed skepticism Assad bucked the political science literature by engaging in the one conduct that would reverse his hard-fought victory.


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But the media would excise me & the research from their stories.


The #1 story should be that authors of the official reports linking Assad to WMD usage have supplied evidence that they were doctored in defiance of the scientific evidence & exploited to push regime change in Damascus, which risked creating the Islamic State & war with Russia.

Anonymous ID: ea35e5 Dec. 1, 2019, 11:07 a.m. No.7406461   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6683 >>6835 >>6941

Terrorist Groups Use Turkish-Made Weapons In Southern Idlib Advance (Photos)


Al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and its allies used Turkish-made weapons in their recent large-scale attack on the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in southeast Idlib.


The attack was launched on November 30 by a coalition of HTS, Turkish-backed groups and al-Qaeda factions. Within a few hours, the terrorists captured the towns of Sarjah, Ejaz, Rasm al-Ward and Istablat.


Photos released by HTS’ news network, Iba’a, show the terrorist group’s militants shelling SAA positions in southeast Idlib with a Turkish-made HY-12 mortar.

Anonymous ID: ea35e5 Dec. 1, 2019, 11:09 a.m. No.7406472   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6513 >>6683 >>6835 >>6941



Military Situation In Yemen On December 1, 2019 (Map Update)

A brief overview of the recent developments:


Ansar Allah shot down a Chinese-made UAV Wing Loong over the Hayran sky in Hajjah province;

Ceasefire violations were reported in al-Hudaydah;

Saudi-led forces targeted the Razih district with mortar shells.


In Video: Closer Look At Recent Shootdown Of Saudi Arabia’s Apache Helicopter Over Yemen

On November 29, the Houthis (Ansar Allah) shot down an Apache attack helicopter of the Saudi military over northern Yemen. Both pilots died in the incident. MORE HERE

Anonymous ID: ea35e5 Dec. 1, 2019, 11:11 a.m. No.7406482   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Bennett plans building Jewish neighborhood in Hebron


Defense minister instructs to plan homes for settlers over disputed territory in Hebron; Palestinian factions condemn move, blaming U.S. change of policy towards settlements


Defense Minister Naftali Bennett said on Sunday that he is planning the construction of a new Jewish neighborhood in the West Bank city of Hebron.


Bennet instructed the military to begin the official process by advising the Palestinian municipality of the plan to construct housing for Jewish settlers in what had been the produce market which was closed in 1994.

Anonymous ID: ea35e5 Dec. 1, 2019, 11:12 a.m. No.7406489   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6526 >>6683 >>6835 >>6941

Sunday Talks: Andy Biggs Discusses Heavily Rushed Impeachment Schedule…


Representative Andy Biggs appears on Fox News to discuss the next two weeks. The Democrats are rushing to impeach President Trump prior to the Christmas recess.


December 1st – Deadline for White House response for participation in “groundwork” hearing.

December 2nd – Schiff’s HPSCI Impeachment Committee presents draft report.

December 3rd – HPSCI Committee votes on impeachment report.

December 4th – HJC “groundwork” impeachment hearing at 10:00am.

December 6th – Deadline for White House response for participation in HJC Impeachment Hearing.

December 6th – Deadline for House Republican witness list.

December 9th – Hearing to deny House Republican witnesses.

December 13th – House recesses for Christmas break?

Anonymous ID: ea35e5 Dec. 1, 2019, 11:14 a.m. No.7406496   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Turkey & Bacon Recalled In 4 States


Blue Grass Quality Meats, an Erlanger, Ky. establishment, is recalling approximately 121,083 pounds of pork bacon and ready-to-eat turkey products due to misbranding and undeclared allergens, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) announced today. The products contain soy, a known allergen, which is not declared on the product labels.


The Cajun style bacon and ready-to-eat Cajun style turkey breast items were produced on various dates from Oct. 29, 2018 to Nov. 19, 2019. The following products are subject to recall: [View Labels (PDF only)]

Anonymous ID: ea35e5 Dec. 1, 2019, 11:22 a.m. No.7406527   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6554

Imagine if you will…..


A convicted terrorist being able to enter onto one of the most surveilled bridges in the world with a big knife, which has facial recognition software cameras and is supposed to have police and security 24/7 then starts stabbing people and we are supposed to believe this wasn't allowed and wasn't used to change the narrative away from the PEDOPHILE Royal family!


Yeah fuck'n right o!