they don't think it be like it is but it do
he is gay?
he is very proud of the popcorn memes he stamps them. I don't have a problem with it i like the one of pepe being wheelbarrled out of a plane.
what makes you think he is a pedophile?
confused you for the other guy he was going at it with
not if other people use the meme. Gimme the template ill use the fucking popcorn image i like it as an image. Don't brand it though on every meme though. There are some memes meant to be a stamp like the logo for when the president of france was with the shirtless black guys. I use a meme called the oathbreaker every now and then. I don't use it as a logo like tv channels put their logo in the corner. That is where i even agree with the outrage over popcorn anon.
I like it. But there is collateral damage there. Within masonry and elite groups there appears to be a kidfucker club. And it extends all over far and wide. Big city small town.
The board was down but on endchan we saw how ets was investigating a ukranian isp he claimed was the big time pedo nest full of cp and he got in trouble. Saying "i didn't play by the rules to try and expose it." referring to the ivan vitaly isp in the ukraine
that board was on masterchan. An infamous pedo chan. THEIR LOGO WAS A FUCKING TOPHAT
no idea. It was shilled a lot during the exodus from 4chan to 8chan and you know its masonic because if the tophat is the sign of the most worshipful master and its called masterchan that is not a coincidence.
in 2012 on /pol/ someone said "the queen will die this year screencap this post." So i never ever belive it when it has to do with the queen
likes that color maybe. Anyone remember last year when the Whitehouse was all red with red trees?