Anonymous ID: cd64d4 Dec. 1, 2019, 3:42 p.m. No.7407678   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7685

Apparently no., 73 in base 10

I met a guy named "NUTT" once [!] who told me his family were in Naval Intel and that "aliens" were real. I also met someone who predicted my future, told me something about his hands [they are not claws they are beautiful] and claimed to "walk in" from some other star system who had responsibility for our planet [which they were thinking of x-ing out because the evil had gone out of control]

He said a lot of the future is written down in a book [Fate?] but that it can changed.

And that if or if not our planet would be allowed to survive depended on? Enough good people, sorta "Biblical"


Otherwise, I have no opinion on "aliens" though I am open-minded.

The informant who claimed to be an alien told be that the people here saw his hands as ugly because of their own imperfections, which they projected.


FWIW.. It's a memory, fer sure, but who knows maybe I was hypnotized. It's possible, though I think it really happened.

Most of the UFO info is totally gov controlled, so I stay away from the study of it.

"37" is an important number for some reason, regardless.

Anonymous ID: cd64d4 Dec. 1, 2019, 3:57 p.m. No.7407750   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Why not?, is my question.

She can wear gloves whenever she wants to.


the hate against FLOTUS.

Wow, who would've guessed.

If it was a movie you'd think the screenwriters had "jumped the shark"

Who would have anticipated the hatred?

It's beyond the imagination.

But I guess does make a good movie after all, certainly not a cliche.

Compare her to Hillary?

what a joke!