Where did that Qanon baby family go? They had a Twitter for a while but have they disappeared ? I was thinking about the occurrence when it all happened which made me wonder who would hold their baby up like that in a packed auditorium. I'm a father who loves POTUS, but don't think I would have put a Q on my kid and held her up in the air in such a big crowd. Now I wonder if the photo has other symbolism opposite to what I thought. The parent is wearing a Satanist bracelet on her left wrist too it looks like.
Thanks I thought they used to have a Twitter, but I can't find it did they delete it? Their insta account has a lot of videos of their baby with dogs too which seems like another odd coincidence. My spidy sense is tingleing.
I see that is a Twitter page. I think the dog videos with their baby make me more suspicious about the event still.