lists asking what they'll be most pissed about
no apology necessary fren
we're all good. so much info out there. it's gonna be storm of storms.
Voter registration in current state correlated against birth certificates in current state = negative. Look up driver license, find she was born in different state, coordinate from there.
Or if she lived in birth state long enough to get a SSAN, then that's how they tied her to that state.
I thought we already human composting facilities in San Francisco?
All part of (((their))) plan. Destroy the blue states to the point it drives people out to red states, like Texas. But it doesn't really change the people that move. They bring that idiocy with them.
It will not end the way they want.
It's a health related issue. Decaying corpses are not something you want just lying about decomposing. Even on the battlefields in medieval times the bodies were burned to prevent the spread of disease.
From this site I found from an earlier bread today:
Was it the Atlanta airport blackout anon?
Yep. I remember all that. Hard to believe that was two years ago. A lot has happened since then and here we are with a front row seat.