What an honor it is to serve in the company of our digital heroes.
More of the GOOD GUY FLAG STUFF to follow soon
What an honor it is to serve in the company of our digital heroes.
More of the GOOD GUY FLAG STUFF to follow soon
Or is it the other way around?
It's so obvious, It amazes me to no end. Plants MAKE Oxygen too. I get it but..Yeah, big, creating fires to misdirect the masses attention (very Bernaysian) and very uncool. The oceans produce the lion's share of the Oxygen we all breath.
Watch the Water
I'm surprised there is no meme war descending upon Climatepalooza, all their earllier chatter has been well, disturbing to say the least, as anons had been noticing.
Nice one Anon, Captcha cat memes definitely can dish out the BTFO's very eloquently.
>But Rusty is the King of all cats. He will be here soon.