Jim says the ship is smooth sailin'…
what are we waitin' on Q?
you're missing a few steps…
like a proper investigation into the scumbags who tried to undermine a sitting president and overthrow the will of the People.
of course we have everything we need…
but if we don't give them the optics of due process we are no different than the fairytale pushin' impeachment sham shills.
during the hearings, Jordan, Collins, Meadows etc will take the opportunity to DRAG THEM thru their own lies on the world stage… we have the entire worlds attention rn anon… it has become MUCH BIGGER than just arresting a few pedophile supporting criminals.
We're changing the future for the better.
but i thought I was your favorite baker girl…
her name is b… she's just a pastor's daughter who wants to support Conan without mean people lighting her Keep America Great hat on fire…
she's Barron's favorite internet troll. no big deal.
"We've shown you what these sick people have tried to do to our country… but the only way to bring full justice is with 4 more years."
it's already settled, anon.
check the scoreboard…
maybe you shouldn't judge by looks, peasant.
all jokes aside, that really did habben a few months back. funtimes funtimes.
we were back up within the hour.
you glow shill.
you didn't catch the joke, goldfish.
I'm glowing as I shill… I was telling you my intention as I project it outward.
don't be dumb.
they see it anon…
many will ACT IGNORANT to try to make you seem like the odd man.
It's one of the #1 tactics the shill uses here… deny deny deny and play stupid.
i know the feeling…
listen close…
how are messages sent?
to be honest anon… I have a strong feeling we are waiting for the impeachment charade to be out of our way…
When the left lose ALL momentum (hearing no impeachment because there was NO CRIME) it'll line up an easy homerun when IG Report and [HUNTER] drop…
the sky is falling on them from several angles…
we're coming in for a landing anon, keep faith.
if you can't see it I can't tell you.
we can't be any more LOUD AND CLEAR than that boys…
hopefully ya'll caught it.
handle with care.
anyone baking?
that'll be enough for tonight… I'll see ya'll @ sunrise.