>>740871 (previous bread)
Navigable waters that are regulated by the state (i.e. inland waters) do not fall under maritime law. Typically if a conflict of law arises (two competing legal jurisdictions) the state law takes precedence.
>>740871 (previous bread)
Navigable waters that are regulated by the state (i.e. inland waters) do not fall under maritime law. Typically if a conflict of law arises (two competing legal jurisdictions) the state law takes precedence.
The Court likely "banned" the Constitution where there was no Constitutional law matter raised. The Uniform Commercial Code and the caselaw dealt with whatever legal issue was placed before the Court. It the Constitution was unfairly disregarded, the matter can be brought to an appeal.
>>740910 (previous bread)
Why are lawyers required to write state bar exams to practice law in a particular state if they owe allegiance to the City of London Bar? Whoever is promoting this information is confused and doing a disservice to individuals who are not trained in the law. If these claims were true there would be complete chaos in every court, state legislature, and government office.
Birth certificates are typed in capital letters so there is less chance of misspelling or misinterpreting a name. People are not corporations. Only nations are "sovereign", not individuals.
The flat earth nonsense has nothing to do with Q research.
Shakespeare was Catholic and wrote in code to help encourage other Catholics being persecuted in Elizabethan England.
The Declaration of Independence was based on the writings of Roman Catholic priest and theologian Saint Robert Bellarmine (1542-1621) and his inspiration the great Catholic theologian Saint Thomas Aquinas.
With regard to the equaity of men:
Declaration of Independence: “All men are created equal; they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights.”
Bellarmine: “All men are equal, not in wisdom or grace, but in the essence and nature of mankind” (De Laicis,” c.7). “There is no reason why among equals one should rule rather than another.” (Ibid.) “Let rulers remember that they preside over men who are of the same nature as they themselves” (De Officus Princ.” c.22). “Political right is immediately from God and necessarily inherent in the nature of man” (De Laicia” c. 6, note 1).
With regard to the function of government:
Declaration of Independence: “To secure these rights governments are instituted among men.”
Bellarmine: “It is impossible for men to live together without someone to care for the common good. Men must be governed by someone lest they be willing to perish” (De Laicia,” c.6).
With regard to the source of power:
Declaration of Independence: “Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”
Bellarmine: “It depends upon the consent of the multitude to constitute over itself a king, consul, or other magistrate. This power is, indeed, from God, but vested in a particular ruler by the counsel and election of men” (De Laicis, c. 6, notes 4 and 5). “The people themselves immediately and directly hold the political power” (De Clericis, c. 7).
https:// fellowshipoftheminds.com/2013/09/17/st-robert-bellarmine-and-the-declaration-of-independence/
Your ad hominem attacks (insulting other anons) reveal that your arguments are weak and unconvincing. Plus you sound like a shill.