Anonymous ID: d5322c March 20, 2018, 11:58 p.m. No.741292   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1310 >>1324 >>1329 >>1621

ProgrammerAnon here


Since Q says 'they have the algorithm' I just want to try to help give a little more insight into how it would work, structurally and psychologically.


To help understand Twitter and FB algorithm you sort of need to view it like a video game.


The controller 'input' is going to be your words/ views/ shared links.

Say the right words.

>(Concantenated strings) (Appended Varchars)(Sentence structure probably mined from real accounts)

Share the right links.

>(Preapproved sites)(Preapproved Authors)

Have the right 'views' and your account is given 'points.'

>(Post value)

The more value your account has plus the value of your post, the higher chance you have to be seen.

>(Chance of post appearance to new followers)

>(Chance of post appearance to current followers)

>When your post is seen, people react, you feel popular.

Popularity is an instinctual desire in the majority of us.

>(Dopamine is released in the Brain)

You post again, but you're sharing an unnapproved link.

>(Adds no points to post value)

Plus you use verbage structure that the algorithm does not 'like'.

>(Adds negative points to post value)

Nobodies see's your post.

You want to get that dopamine rush again.

Intuitively, humans have a knack for pattern recognition.

>(Hence why we are in this forum)

So you change up your methods.

Subconciously, you'll try to post more like the post everybody liked.

It works. The 'algorithm' gave you points.

>(Congratulations. Level 1 complete. You've just been programmed.)


Its a lot like gaslighting.

Imagine being in a relationship where somebody cheated on you every week.

Every week you catch them, and you say "finally its time to lay down the law."

Then everybody around you starts telling you "maybe you didn't ACTUALLLLLY see that"

Your friends stop responding to you.


Imagine how much that would drain you.