I expect that early indictments will include a member of Obama's team, and the trial of that person will unveil all the machinations of the Obama administration. Blackmail, kickbacks, new regulations designed to take business away from Republican supporters and divert it to Democrat supporters with HIGHER PRICES because they kick back some of the money in donations to the DNC.
So, the trials will still be bottom to top, but the unraveling of the earliest people, will be one series of revelations after another. A total apocalypse for the Democrat Party unveiling their inherent racism, their eugenics plans to lower the black population through abortion, crime, drugs and poisons in the cheapest food sold to Black families concentrated in poor areas for easier targeting.
Look at my language. Revelations? Apocalypse (Greek for Unveiling)? This is why it is going to be BIBLICAL!
And the word BIBLICAL is in caps, because Q wants us to know that it will be...
Big League Biblical
As Q+ might say...