Anonymous ID: 2fe5df Dec. 3, 2019, 10:49 a.m. No.7419813   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9858 >>9863 >>0001

Interesting news about Harris quitting the race today. USA Today had her in 6th place this morning, right there with Bloomberg. Why doesn't he quit too?


They need to inflate Biden's poll numbers to provide fuel for the impeachment games.


After the impeachment dust settles, they'll have to come up with a story about how Trump hired Russian Spies to infiltrate Bloomberg's campaign.




Political pundits have questioned the strategic soundness of billionaire Michael Bloomberg's late entry into the Democratic primary, but two new polls show him outperforming many of the candidates who have been on the campaign trail for months.


Despite missing at least the first five debates and the countless hours other candidates have spent trying to woo voters, Bloomberg is in fifth place nationally, according to two polls released Monday, one from Morning Consult and the other from Hill-HarrisX. They were the first polls conducted entirely after Bloomberg announced he was running.


The Morning Consult poll had Bloomberg tied with Sen. Kamala Harris of California at 5%. Former Vice President Joe Biden was first at 29%, followed by Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont (20%), Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts (15%) and South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg (9%).


The Hill-HarrisX had Bloomberg alone in fifth place at 5%, and Harris and the rest of the field were at 2% or less. Biden led in that poll as well at 31%, followed by Sanders at 15%, Warren at 10% and Buttigieg at 9%.