Anonymous ID: 55ecf7 Dec. 3, 2019, 12:01 p.m. No.7420344   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0356 >>0488

U.S. House Representative Duncan Hunter has pleaded guilty to federal corruption charges Tuesday, CBS Los Angeles reports.


Rep. Hunter, 42, changed his not guilty plea in federal court in San Diego. He has been accused of looting campaign cash to finance vacations, golf outings and other personal expenses. He says that he changed his plea in order to protect his children.


“I think it would be really tough for them,” Duncan said. “It’s hard enough being the kids of a public figure. I think it’s time for them to live life outside the spotlight.”


Hunter also stated that he will accept whatever sentence the judge gives.


He concluded that he would like his seat to remain in Republican hands and he will try to ensure a smooth transition, indicating he will be leaving Congress.


Source: San Diego Rep. Duncan Hunter Pleads Guilty To Federal Corruption Charges – CBS Los Angeles

Anonymous ID: 55ecf7 Dec. 3, 2019, 12:11 p.m. No.7420407   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAKING: Dozens of Baltimore Corrections Officers Indicted on Over 200 Charges


Over two dozens Baltimore corrections officers have been indicted Tuesday, according to CBS Baltimore.


The Baltimore City State Attorney’s Office announced Tuesday that 25 corrections officers have been indicted on over 200 charges of abuse of power and excessive force.


Baltimore City State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby said these officers “corrupted their obligation to public safety,”


“If you break the law and you break the trust the public has placed within you, you will face the consequences,” She added.


None of the officers identities have been provided at this time. We will provide more information as it becomes available.


Source: 25 Baltimore Corrections Officers Indicted, Baltimore SAO Says – CBS Baltimore

Anonymous ID: 55ecf7 Dec. 3, 2019, 12:19 p.m. No.7420476   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Schitt seems to be in a panic. His crap is taking over poor little Kamala Harris quitting. Snicker :)