Anonymous ID: c1420f Dec. 3, 2019, 10:52 a.m. No.7419841   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9947 >>9949 >>0123 >>0288

Q cap for baker


Who audits where the money actually goes?


What % is typically categorized as costs?


How to 'steal' taxpayer money?


The 'Con':


>Determine 'topic(s)' that have emotional pull (connect) on 'vocal' types


>Create media blitz [scare] campaign ('talking points')('alarmist')


>Use 'pro-narrative minded' authorities on subject to provide foundation to support


>Deploy 'circular reporting' and 'group-think' tactics (echo chamber) to artificially raise 'public outcry'


>Use 'public outcry' to justify billion dollar taxpayer spend




Who audits where the money goes?


% to original mandate?


Salary of a US Senator?


Salary of a US Congressman/woman?


Salary of a US President?


Salary of a US Vice President?


Net worth pre_office?


Net worth post_office?


How do elected officials become mega/multi-millionaires?




Logical thinking.