>After a message has gotten to 10% of the population it reaches the point of containment or a point that the veil is lifted. The idea explodes from there.
Critical mass. I can't quote a specific source(s), but when you can flip 10% of a certain population group, especially if those 10% are influential with others, you can flip the rest of the population over time. I did this in business before I retired.
If it was a darkie no color would have been mentioned.
Have some more coffee and think on it some more. Big picture.
A flea and a fly were imprisoned in a flue.
Said the fly to the flea "Let us fly."
Said the flea to the fly "Let us flee."
So they flew through a flaw in the flue.
This is a sure sign that I've totally lost my mind and I need to call it a day.
Goodnight all.