lb or pb newfag, how many times does it take?!!!!!!
I had to use Tor again to get in, not loading on WF
CIA's "Alice in Wonderland" technique -โ
Hardly. Horse-faced cunt should be worrying about her culpability in the Juicey Smollett hate crime op.
Attacker has a pretty big botnet, attack is over 500Gb/s.
Anons know how ISIS would fake execute their prisoners until they get to the point of no flinching?
What if Q has been doing all these head fakes up until now and the deep state is at the point of no flinching?
But this time, the ammo is actually in the chamber.
Q: "Public awakening coming."
Beck: "Republicans are about to start an all-out public offensive this week"
[[[JK]]] launches "climate coalition", "We've got to treat action on climate change 'like a war'"
Kerry launched a new climate coalition called World War Zero on Sunday that includes founding members from across the political spectrum, including former presidents Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter, former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Hollywood actor Leonardo DiCaprio. Republican members include Cindy McCain, wife of the late Sen. John McCain (Ariz.) and former Ohio Gov. John Kasich.
Don't add truth to the chat.
Tor test, clear is being a PIA for me.
Yup, we are under attack! Onion site has been fine for me, clearnet is spotty.
New Q.
Oh Q. You rascal.