Flak jacket?
Dis guy (sorry, distracted by bewbs)?
NOW we're getting somewhere!
NoBenis :ddDDD
CHM = Cindy Lou Hensley McCain?
Holy fuck!
The media got to see the Strzok/Page texts before they were given to Congressional Committees!!!!!
No leaks.
Pelosi is frantically attempting to reassure the foreign swamp that things are copacetic, "WE HAVE EVERYTHING TRUMP UNDAH CONTROL CLACK!, but they DO NOT have evrything under control - (((They))) are putting on their own show for [P]
Cases in point; Epstein's Deutche Bank dood 187, Google retirements, Queen switching crowns - meanwhile, President Trump is trollin' away to our delight!
Makes sense - if you REEEEEEEEEEE loudly enough, the spice will flow.
Wray wakes up July 19, 2020.
Attacker has a pretty big botnet, attack is over 500Gb/s.
Reports are coming in that we are back online around the world now. Thanks
for the quick network routing defense.