Paris EF
Google Maps search leads to EF Language Stay Paris
3.4km from the Eiffel Tower (*line of sight)
EF Education First
Logo is hypnotic
Deal with organising for chlidren to stay overseas (ranked by age, youngest age group is 13-18) among other things (eg.EF Real Estate Holdings;see pdf {note. associated with 'cultural care au pair USA, designated by the US State Department'?}) (
Privately Owned (Bertil Hult)
The Hult Prize (named after founder Bertil Hult) is 'the nobel prize for students' (
Seems to be founded by Bill Clinton and Matt Damon
Bill Clinton heavily involved
Remember a laptop for every child, yep.
Hult International Business School is official major sponsor, employs son; chairman and has NY Office
The UN and Hult Prize Foundation have a 'strategic partnership' what ever the fuck that means
more digging needs to be done, and i intend to do so , but i've got to go. so I thought I'd post what i have so far.