Anonymous ID: e7d7b5 Dec. 4, 2019, 1:10 p.m. No.7427567   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Rep. Johnson

>we have no access to the underlying evidence

>this whole production is a sham

>predetermined by our colleagues some time ago

>17 out of 24 have already voted for impeachment - let's not pretend, no open minds here

>they want to stop the president's election

>Turley said: this is simply not how the impeachment of a president is done

>Hamilton said we are in a period of agitated passions

>this hyperpartisan impeachment is probably the most destructive and divisive thing we can do to this country

>The people are deeply concerned about where this might go (runawaytrainMaggie)

>The greatest danger is what this must do to our 200+ year experiment

>Terribly short sided exercise - God help us all.