The SES was established by the Civil Service Reform Act (CSRA) of 1978 and became
effective in July 1979. CSRA envisioned a senior executive corps with solid executive
expertise, public service values, and a broad perspective of Government.
CSRA established the SES as a distinct personnel system that applies the same executive
qualifications requirements to all of its members. The system was designed to provide
greater authority to agencies to manage their executive resources, including the flexibility
for selecting and developing Federal executives within a framework that preserves the
larger corporate interests of Government.
Key Goals of the SES
Improve the executive management of the Government
Select and develop a cadre of highly competent senior executives with leadership
and managerial expertise
Hold executives accountable for individual and organizational performance
The SES covers managerial, supervisory, and policy positions classified above GS-15.
The law excludes certain —
agencies and agency components, such as independent Government corporations
and intelligence agencies; and
positions, such as Foreign Service and Administrative Law Judge positions.
Structure of the SES
There are two types of positions and four types of appointments in the SES.
General Positions: may be filled by any of the appointment types–career,
noncareer, limited term, or limited emergency appointee.
Career Reserved Positions: must always be filled by a career appointee to ensure
the impartiality, or the public's confidence in the impartiality, of the Government.
Career Appointments: may be made to either type of position–General or Career
Reserved. Incumbents are selected using the agency merit staffing process and
must have their executive core qualifications (ECQs) approved by a
Qualifications Review Board (QRB) convened by OPM.
Noncareer Appointments: may be made only to General positions. Noncareer
appointments are approved by OPM on a case-by-case basis and the appointment
authority reverts to OPM when the noncareer appointee leaves the position.
Limited Term Appointments: may be made for up to 3 years, are nonrenewable
and must be to an SES General position only, which will expire because of the
nature of the work (e.g., a special project).
Limited Emergency Appointments: are also nonrenewable appointments, may be
for up to 18 months, and must be to an SES General position only established to
meet a bona-fide, unanticipated, urgent need.
https:// www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/senior-executive-service/reference-materials/guidesesservices.pdf