interesting …..i hope you said yes sir yes sir
for f…. sake carpe diem this SOB….
just dont confiscate any guns thats not gonna fly anywhere
fyi ………fbi / cia contractors eliminated
true patriot
yup…divide and conquer /// harass maybe jail or unibomber our asses…maybe happen etc
fuck the fag boys intel…..they are stupid and weak
my niga…drink up
originates from the sons of god….secrets taught to men by the fallen ones…and hidden from descendants of adam but not cain…serpents seed….tears and wheat baby…seed wars
hot bitches just sayin…looks illumanatish
hell ya…or release the vid
trump is ignorant on drugs………legalization…would take the money out and the cia out
as in hrc…yes
boom get out the way bitch…..queen….
…for you… deprived…. foreign…. anons
Q video redpill skit courtesy of my boy