Anonymous ID: 5f9403 Dec. 4, 2019, 4:31 p.m. No.7428989   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8998

>>7428959 LB


RE: USMC Boom boom boom twatter…It isn't goofy IMO. They aren't practicing CQB anon, they are practicing setting up breaches. All you need is a door and a frame to do that then they just green screen Harry Potter (pretend) that the building is there).


The woods: where the range is, nothing significant there - you don't put ranges next to base housing

Chins down - overpressure is a motherfucker. Go to a moojewjitsu class and they teach you how to fall with your chin tucked, same principle - chin up means the overpressure could fuck with your noggin 7 ways from Sunday.