Anonymous ID: 7b7ed7 Dec. 4, 2019, 6:03 p.m. No.7429623   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9632 >>9633 >>9634 >>9681

Whats everyone's opinion on race mixing?

I used to be liberal and pro homosexuality and race mix and general melting pot ideals.

As the years go on I come to think more and more about general things that the devil has been up to?

I'm not coming from a place of hate, anymore anyway, but I will admit there was a point in the not so distant past where I was hateful about it.

The more I see it being pushed by the media, large companies, alongside with the LGBT PedoSwirl TM that is out there constantly, I couldnt help but hate it.

So I began to think, not from a place of hate but of logic.

I came across a picture and it was four cups, I'll post below, that had originally got me thinking.

Then the protocols of the learned elders of Zion, how they plan to create one mutt race to rule over meanwhile preserving their own race from a place of superiority.

Another was IQ relations. Complicated however because studies show its not just race that IQ development is derived from, but also weather.

An example being those in typhoon storm areas had general higher IQ then those in stagnant, rather consistent environments.

Things that brought me to the understanding of the race to IQ was tests done in school, children of black and native, indian, semite descent generally tested lower, however both have their advantages, knowledge and a natural instinct to nature for natives and, with blacks they are more adapted to advancement in the physical for physical work and child birth.

Next would be Asian descent where they have a generally higher IQ test score but overall less morality resulting in the ability repetitive tasks longer and more efficiently, at a cost.

Ethnic Jews as well have a higher then average IQ the difference in being from Asian, a more perverse form of morality, where the Asian simply lacks morality on average, the Jew have a form of "morality" only it is in a more perverse form.

The whites have neither a higher then average or lower but just simply put average. Run of the mill, but on average have much higher morality built in.

We see this with western countries, and of European countries where they have programs to take in, help, others, refugees from banker brother wars or of general misfortune resulted from what has been stated above.

The feeling of wanting to help others simply shows morality, the type of care of animals is that of a more nurturing way.


So what's the deal here, a consensus?

The average IQ goes from 108 to 56.

The center of that being a 75 if mixed together.

Sure sounds to me like a dumbed down average.

Not to mention the beauty of each individual race, Indians have many displays of their beauty in culture from dress to dance, and semites being much the same.

Back the cups, the beauty of colors as their own individual color.

It would be a shame to mix them all into one plain muddy color?

Not to mention but the religious teachings from all types.

Being against Race Mixing is almost a part of most if not all major religions

Anyway, what do you guys think?