Anonymous ID: a1c38f Dec. 4, 2019, 4:32 p.m. No.7428991   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7428933 pb


It proves 2 possible theories:


  1. You triggered response as well as lack of logic, show that you are a glowing low level shill. Nowhere is there even a proof that this guy is a real payseur, and even if he is, that his account isnt a decoy type of disinfo.


  1. "Your" 40 posts put the last nail in your coffin, and the coincidence of "you" spamming this fake leovani bullshit again, parallel to the massive muhjew spam shilling campaign, make this all too transparent.


Veteran anons can smell this shill bullshit from thousand killometers away. It is bootcamp level bullshit, and we had our shill bootcamp a long long time ago.


So kys shill, and thank CM for the filter.

Anonymous ID: a1c38f Dec. 4, 2019, 5:03 p.m. No.7429229   🗄️.is 🔗kun



He was a great man, i learned so much from his research. I hope that if and when the cabal will be toppled, he will be commemorated as he deservs to be. A patriot to the USA and the world. It is funny that I found about him thanks to the q posts.




He wasn't assasinated because he wasnt viral. You must remeber that he broadcasted on short wave radio, these were the times before the mainstreaming of the internet. Cooper was basically unknown outside of the "truth movement". It was easy back then to simply discredit and keep someone on the fringe side. '''Cooper started to be a danger once he predicted (based on his analysis) a false flag attack that will be blamed on UBL, 6 months before 9.11. This fact combined with the mainstreaming of the internet in 2001 made him a man too dangerous to stay alive.

Anonymous ID: a1c38f Dec. 4, 2019, 5:13 p.m. No.7429289   🗄️.is 🔗kun




The video you brought is very interesting for context, but in order to understand the belief system of the cabal, one must differentiate between the exoteric religion that were told to the "prophane" (as presented in the video) and the esoteric teachings, that were known only to the occult priesthood and were metaphoric, as well as containing the secrets of "magic", or how to control the sheep. The esoteric aspect was taught to the initaites via a pyramid like structure of ranks.

Similar esoteric doctrines are found in canaan and egypt, anf these later migrated to greece and rome and so on. Another interesting doctrine is the gnostic cult (appeared some time before and after the birth of christianity), it has interesting similarities with the older mystery religions.

Anonymous ID: a1c38f Dec. 4, 2019, 5:22 p.m. No.7429369   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Yeah, i remember those broadcasts, very enlightening. Lookup Andrei Fursov, he is a russian historian and geopolitical strategy expert. Some of his videos are translated to english, they are pure gold (so are the ones that are not translated).