Anonymous ID: cfa3bb Dec. 5, 2019, 5:43 a.m. No.7431749   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Here We Go… Ukraine Fires Prosecutor Investigating Burisma — Transfers Cases Over to Soros-Run NABU Group Linked to Whistleblower Ciaramella


According to Russian and Ukrainian media Ukrainian prosecutor Konstantin Kulik was fired from investigating the Burisma case and the Biden crime family.

CD Media reported on Wednesday that Ukraine has transferred the responsibility of the investigation to the Soros-controlled National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NABU) the same group that worked to assist the Hillary Clinton Campaign in 2016.


NABU officials met with alleged “whistleblower” Eric Ciaramella in the White House in 2016.

Anonymous ID: cfa3bb Dec. 5, 2019, 6:15 a.m. No.7431872   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1974 >>1991 >>2005

Chuck Grassley


World Bank about to sneak through a plan to give China the 2nd largest economy in the world billions of $$ +Congress hasn’t seen plan. They should remember Congress controls the purse strings & transparency brings accountability

5:38 AM - 5 Dec 2019