Anonymous ID: b4840b Dec. 5, 2019, 12:23 p.m. No.7433971   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4006 >>4012

It's almost Christmas, so here's a rework of a tune by the late, great Greg Lake.


Don't Believe in Boris Johnson



They said there would be a Brexit,

They said it would be all right,

Instead, they just kept on lying,

But all I saw was a crock of shite.


Don't believe in Boris Johnson,

Don't take in every word he says,

He's a cheating git, and a lying shit,

And everyone he betrays.


They sold us a fairy story,

They said that a Brexit's great,

But all they have is Islamophobia,

Xenophobia and words of hate.


Don't believe in Boris Johnson,

Don't look to the polls with exited eyes,

It's all deceit, all played on repeat,

With the media repeating the lies.


They said that they wouldn't sell it,

The NHS isn't up for sale,

The documents tell a different story,

While the TV and the media wail.


Don't believe in Boris Johnson,

He won't look after you and me,

He ducks and dives, while he plays with our lives,

whilst avoiding all scrutiny.


I wish you a brave Election,

I wish you a bold New Year,

Tell The Tories to shove their Brexit,

Use your vote with your conscience clear.


Don't believe in Boris Johnsons,

Leadsoms, Patels or Jeremy Hunts,

Rees-Moggs, Goves, or Duncan-Smiths,

They are all a bunch of…


I'm struggling with the last word - I need something that rhymes with 'Hunts'.


Now try getting Prokifiev's Lieutenant Kijé theme out of my head now.