Anonymous ID: 1c8487 Dec. 5, 2019, 6:36 p.m. No.7436490   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6577

Somewhat decent explanation I came across on Twat. More people need to wake up and this is a good start. So much more to include though.


It is time that Patriots learn the truth. The truth is upon us and there will be many unsettling things revealed soon. Things that could only seem to be conspiracy. No way could things like this be possible in the modern world.

We think that we are free; but are we? If those in charge of the world say something, should we believe them, or ask if they are telling the truth? If we look for ourselves, if we find that our leaders aren’t telling us the truth, what then? Pretend it’s true?

When one questions the truth, and they are criticized for doing so, is the truth any less relevant? No, the pursuit of the truth and the revelation of the truth is the final say on the matter. No matter the obstacles to reveal it, the truth is the truth.

This goes back to Plato’s cave, for those familiar with the allegory. If not familiar, it goes something like this: A person is in a cave for their entire life. They know nothing of the outside world. But if all they saw were shadows, then the shadows would be the truth.

The shadows of the cave would be what you know of the world. Now, if someone was manipulating those shadows from an unseen fire to input what you know as reality; is reality what you know, or what you have been shown?

Let’s jump ahead to today. If your only source of information is the MSM, would you have a reality based upon the shadows that tell you how the world is, or would you think they may be someone showing you shadows to manipulate your perception?

There is a war on for your mind. No longer do TPTB have to convince you with arguments for their cause. Now they can manipulate how you process information. Social engineering is real. Social media was made addictive for a reason.

If one says a lie enough, it will soon be accepted as the truth. The Nazis were the ones who started this level of subversion. It has continued to today. Tell a lie enough times, condition people to accept it, and people will believe it’s true.

Now ask yourself again, do you believe everything told to you because that is what everyone else thinks, or do you look into the information and make an educated determination that makes sense empirically? If you came to a conclusion that is different?

Are you crazy, or are you using a scientific method of deduction to reveal the truth? Now consider if the gov’t has programs that try to influence your mind. It is real, look it up. MK Ultra, CIA programs, Project Mockingbird. All have 1 thing in common.

They are using every form of media to control your mind. The question is, is your opinion your own, or is it an opinion that was purposefully implanted in you? Problem, solution, reaction is the Hegelian dialect. Are you just responding?

There is a war on for your mind. Would you protect your family and property, no matter what? If so, would you protect your mind in the same fashion? I would venture, yes. Time to wake up and take a stand, not a side.

This is a public service announcement. I hope you choose wisely. Your mind is the last bastion of freedom. Protect it with your life. Where we go one as humanity, we go all to save the world.