Love that meme.
Well cool. Glad to help.
Gonna finally reveal Q at the RNC convention?
Confirms Grassley is in.
Very nice.
Always hear the team audibly sigh when we finally get something like the Grassley numbers.
"You can lay out the meme now."
We're so played. But I like it.
You are very clever. No one wants to run in and see the meth cooking evidence if they think it's nuclear, do they?
Will warn you - the high only lasts a couple of days. But ride it while you can!
That's the kind of question that POTUS will answer in a tweet with an error.
I know this. See Prince of Whales.
Rather suspect Joe Bartolotta was the MKE version.
It won't likely take much.
Did a show with Bourdain once, I think.
Plus, dude was a porker. Not happy with his life choices.