I'm not going to famefag my youtube/Bitchute channel, but I will say we are doing an episode on HRC/Libya and ho-ree fuck the digs we've encountered are insane.
A ton of shit I didn't know that is extremely relevant to current events. THAT BITCH SHOULD BE HANGING.
I will be dumping our raw research material/documents/videos over the next few days. I may even start a separate thread for it. There is SO MUCH. Here's a few bullet points some you guys might already know, some not. Either way before YT purges everything on the tenth I wanna dump what I can.
-Quadafi wanted his own United state of Africa and wanted to back with his own gold reserves and break away from roth banks. I am NOT saying he was a good guy necessarily at all, but damn.
-HRC met with the NSC "rebels" literally 2 days before they killed him.
-He stated repeatedly that the "rebels" in his country WERE NOT LIBYANS.
-In his first UN speech he stated that h1n1 was a "lab creation" that got out of control, Isreal killed JFK/MLK and called Obama "Our son" and a literal SHITLOAD more. He spoke for over an hour and a half and what he said made my jaw drop the entire time. Not much surprises me anymore but that shit was insane.
-The fake news clips covering his death are staggering in how they depict him dying. It's brutal. They literally bayonetted his anus and dragged that poor bastard through the streets, and the fucking news covered it as if we just cured cancer.
It's good to back sometimes. With so much going on in the current day we tend to brush past some shit.
I am backing up my files and will be dropping the raw shit either later tonight or tomorrow. We have to start archiving. THEY ARE LITERALLY TRYING TO SCRUB THE WEB. I think this YT purge on Dec 10th is indicative of bigger things to come.